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Media5 celebrates 30 years in the market

Media5 celebra 30 años en el mercado

Argentina. The 2024 edition of Caper Show is special for the Media5 company, it will be the framework of the celebration of 30 years since, in 1994, analyzing what was in the radio and television market, they were convinced that they could develop and offer highly reliable products, and that is how they decided to direct knowledge to this exciting sector.

Moisés Martini, CEO of Media5, recalled to TVyVideo+Radio that his company was the first to develop a radio automation system with Sound Blaster boards, while most did so with Antex or Digigram boards. At the same time, they developed Playout based on MIRO DC-30 among many other multimedia developments they made.

Currently, they manufacture multiplayer character generators, video servers, recording systems for studios and mobile units, Mam, archiving, mixer all in one, master control among others. And although their headquarters are in Buenos Aires, they have a presence throughout Latin America, the United States, Spain, Italy among other countries.

Media5 celebrates 30 years in the market
In recent years, Argentina's economic and political situation has generated significant challenges for technology development, forcing companies to be creative in order to move forward.

- Publicidad -

Moisés Martini explained that "Economic problems and restrictions always affect all activities, especially ours, that the components we use are not manufactured in Argentina, in addition many of them are not in regular use so we have to import them directly for our equipment. Thanks to having stock of critical components and trust from our suppliers, we have been able to meet our obligations."

On the economic measures announced by the government that took office in December 2023, he stressed that "It is not easy to solve all the problems in such a short time and also with Cepo. We are hopeful that this will be resolved as soon as possible. In general terms, we try to continue with our stock policy and in this way not transfer to the customer the problems generated by the current economic measures".

Despite all the problems of 2024, the balance of the year for Media5 is positive, thanks to the fact that they have been able to make progress in all the plans they had for this year.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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