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Amagi presented equipment that will serve the Mexican market

Amagi presentó equipo que atenderá al mercado mexicano

Mexico. Amagi presented its team that will serve the Mexican market and that will collaborate with the growth of the company in Latin America and strengthen its presence in the region, contributing to the global results that reach more than 5 thousand channels, creators and distributors of content globally, more than 150 TV platforms and presence in 150 countries.

Miriam Ríos, director of Account Management Mexico OTT and Media Sales of the company, who together with Ronaldo Dias, director of Sales for the United States and Latin America, and Diana Aguilar, engineer in Latam Solutions, will lead the team.

The developer of cloud-based SaaS (Software As A Service) solutions for transmission and connected television, stated that the market is promising and growing, since according to IAB and Comscore figures, more than 41% of the Internet population in countries such as Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay already uses CTV (Connected TV). which represents, in the case of Mexico, a massive audience of more than 150 million viewers.

Ríos told TVyVideo+Radio that, in the face of recent events, the consumption of content via CTV has shown considerable growth. "During the pandemic, the consumption of FAST channels boomed. Last year there was still a decline in subscription services and it is the opportunity of FAST. But we're actually seeing totally transformed content that isn't going to stay in FAST. FAST is still consumed, but in the end it is a vision of how there is content that can flow on different platforms."

- Publicidad -

"This increase in the use of CTV presents significant opportunities for content creators, broadcasters and advertisers looking to capitalize on an expanding digital audience by offering personalized content experiences and targeted advertising. However, certain challenges remain, particularly around programmatic efficiency and content delivery costs, that may hold back broadcasters and advertisers from fully adopting CTV."

On the end of 2024, Ríos said: "The main emphasis is to make a very good relationship and campaign to remember Amagi's presence in Mexico. But the main year the goal is in an important and powerful way a market like Brazil, for example, in terms of monetization mainly. And Mexico is the most important point, because it is the Latin American market that has the highest penetration in CTV consumption."

He said: "While the CTV advertising ecosystem in Latin America may take time to reach the maturity seen in markets such as the United States, the region is poised for significant growth. As broadcasters and content owners embrace this transition, they will unlock new revenue streams and establish global brands."

In the image, Miriam Ríos, director of Account Management Mexico OTT and Media Sales at Amagi.

Text written for TVyVideo+Radio by Vlad Martínez.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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