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LiveTec Show, a meeting of innovation and business on live events

LiveTec Show, encuentro de innovación y negocios sobre eventos en vivo

Miami. LiveTec Show 2024 concluded successfully after two days of intense activities at the Miami Airport Convention Center. Held on May 14 and 15, the event attracted professionals from across the Caribbean and Latin American region, who explored the latest technologies and trends in the sector.

After its first version, LiveTec is projected as the epicenter of innovation for the live events and entertainment industry. World-renowned exhibitors, such as Sony, Canon, TAF, DAS, The LED Master, Audio Video Export, Videxco, DB Technology, Gamma, Merlyn, Broadcast Depot, Infiled, among others, presented their most advanced products and solutions, generating interest among attendees.

livetecThe event also facilitated the creation of new business relationships and the completion of business. Participants took the opportunity to forge valuable connections that promise to fuel the growth and development of their companies.

LiveTec 2024 stood out for the quality of its exhibitors, the organization and the activities offered, from live presentations to interactive demonstrations and conferences. Attendees experienced first-hand how new technologies can transform the organization and execution of live events and entertainment.

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Leandro Arguello, from DAS Audio, commented on the experience at LiveTec that "The first edition of LiveTEC was a great success. In its first version, there was an excellent influx of guests. Very productive meetings and demonstrations were held. LiveTEC 2025 promises to be even bigger and more representative. This type of event is crucial for the live events industry in the Caribbean and Latin America, allowing clients and users to meet and learn about the latest trends in the sector."

Another exhibitor, Victor Dupret, Canon's Merlin specialist, said: "We thank everyone in attendance. At Merlin, we are very happy with the results, we have reached new customers and we look forward to developing great businesses together. We look forward to seeing you at LiveTEC 2025!"

During LiveTEC, a guided tour of Miami's most prestigious nightclub, E11even, was held. In this exclusive event, DAS Audio presented its new Eleven Sound, a unique sound system in the world. Several LiveTEC attendees had the privilege of enjoying this exclusive experience, highlighting the innovative sound technology in a top-notch environment.

The organizers of LiveTec, AVI Latin America, TVyVideo+Radio, and LatinPress, thank all the sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees who made this event possible. The next edition of LiveTec, which will take place on March 12 and 13, 2025 in Miami, promises to be the benchmark in the live events industry in the Caribbean and Latin America.




Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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