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Maersk launches air cargo link in Miami to serve Latam

Maersk lanza enlace de carga aérea en Miami para atender Latam

Latin America. A.P. Moller - Maersk expanded its presence in air cargo operations with the activation of a full-service gateway solution in Miami, USA, in April.

This new air cargo facility underscores Maersk's commitment to providing seamless and competitive connectivity to major Latin American markets. The gateway to Miami will serve as a strategic node in Maersk's global air cargo network.

"Our expansion in Miami is a vital and strategic addition to our global gateway network, providing connectivity from Asia, Europe and the United States to Latin America," said John Wetherell, Maersk's Global Head of Air Freight.

The new gateway, similar to those already operating in Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles, will focus on the transshipment of European and Asian cargo through Miami to Latin America with competitive connectivity in cargo and passenger aircraft. It will support the North American and Latin American export market, and the Asian market serving the Latin American supply chain through cost-competitive U.S. routes.

- Publicidad -

Operated entirely by Maersk Air Freight's in-house staff, the 8,000-square-meter facility is expected to have significant flows into Latin America and offer key certifications, including:

U.S. Container Freight Station (CFS).

Certified Cargo Screening Facility (CCSF).

Brent Mayhew, Maersk's regional head of air freight for North America, highlighted the benefits of the new services for customers who need to transport high-value cargo quickly: "In addition to our global gateway network, this addition in Miami provides our customers with significant added value, leveraging structured routing within a gateway environment. This includes connectivity to trucks through our network of stations in North America, ensuring efficient and reliable integrated logistics solutions."

Fabio Acerbi, Maersk's regional director of air freight for Latin America, believes the new facility adds a layer of cost-effective visibility for Maersk's Asian customers looking to meet the needs of the Latin American supply chain.

"Our Miami Gateway offers an alternate route option that can provide predictable transit times from our global network, improving connectivity, flexibility and reliability. It supports the export market of North America and Asia, opening up new possibilities for our customers in Latin America," he said.

Maersk's air cargo coverage extends to 70,000 airport pairs in more than 90 countries around the world. Maersk Air Freight's solutions can be booked on with instant pricing and an option to combine them with value-added services.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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