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Blackmagic launched its Cloud Store Mini for Film & TV

Blackmagic lanzó su Cloud Store Mini para cine y TV

Latin America. Blackmagic Cloud Store Mini models provide the ability to share media files and collaborate with editors and colorists around the world in a much more cost-effective way.

These storage devices allow you to sync files to Blackmagic Cloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. As such, they are ideal for workflows with lower-resolution files, as they provide the opportunity to share timelines in just minutes.

The internal memory core has been designed to take full advantage of the speed of the 10G Ethernet port, even when multiple users are connected simultaneously, thus offering very low latency and outstanding responsiveness. For this reason, they are ideal for sharing files between editors, colorists, sound engineers, and visual effects specialists.

Designed for film and television
These drives are a solution for storing files on networks, especially in the film and television industry, where large files need to be shared between multiple users for image editing and color grading, audio mixing, and visual effects. They're even capable of processing Blackmagic RAW footage at 12K resolution without any latency, eliminating the need to store it madly on your computer.

With support for Blackmagic Cloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive, it makes it easy to sync between disks anywhere in the world to edit from every location with exceptional speed. This is critical when processing content recorded with multiple cameras, when multiple files are played simultaneously.

The device is quiet and features a compact and portable modular design. It has a set of four flash memories that work in parallel for greater speed. Meanwhile, the 10G and 1G Ethernet connections act as a two-port network switch.

This makes it possible to connect a computer to the former and the existing network to the latter. In turn, the USB-C port can also be used as a network connection. This model also has an HDMI output that provides the possibility of connecting monitors or televisions to see a graph of the storage process in real time.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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