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The most in-demand technologies are cloud solutions

Christian Carvajal, CEO de Adtel Latam.

Colombia. Thanks to the fact that its implementation allows to reduce maintenance costs, hardware, human resources, facilitating remote work, interoperability, updates, cloud solutions are currently in high demand. This statement is from Christian Carvajal, CEO of the Colombian company Adtel Latam.

And that is precisely one of the expectations of the visit of Adtel Latam professionals to NAB Show 2024. He assured that he will continue "with the process of accompanying our clients to find the integration between their traditional equipment and systems with the digital world, with the cloud, so that their systems are increasingly efficient, more autonomous, remotely managed, etc. That the digital world is easily integrated with their traditional world, that allows them to have better control of their systems knowing statistics, consumption and any data that allows them to make all the right decisions."

In this relationship between end users and technology, Christian Carvajal highlighted that, "thanks to the digital world, the internet, where we can find any type of information, users are very active, they investigate, study, verify success stories, etc., which allows them to have the ability to test new brands, new technologies. In short, traditional brands stay with customers if they manage to offer reliability and innovation, which allows them to compete with today's high offer."

Finally, regarding 2024, he highlighted that Adtel Latam has many expectations, due to important projects in digital television issues in the country, in which they want to collaborate with their knowledge and experience.

- Publicidad -

"We believe it will be a good year for the broadcast world and we are working towards it. The broadcast industry has been transforming significantly. Although the political, economic and currency circumstances in our country have not been the best in recent times, our industry has struggled to stay at the forefront of technology," he concluded.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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