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Merlin receives recognition from Canon


Brazil. This week the "Canon Exclusive Resellers" was held at Casa Canon in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with the promotion by Merlin Distribuidora, with the aim of training its resellers and business partners with all the new technologies that the manufacturer is bringing to the professional market, and bringing to all of them a touch&try experience with the main equipment of Canon's Broadcast and Cinema lines.

Canon decided, as in previous years, to award Merlin with the recognition for the company's Excellent performance in the distribution of products of the Mirrorless lines, Provideo, broadcast lenses and its PTZ cameras during last year's fiscal period, awarding the awards to the distribution company of the "Canon Outstasting Performance Awards 2023".

Fabio Zuccaratto Migotto, Canon's Broadcast & Cinema Manager, PIS – Professional Imaging Solutions, said: "Merlin demonstrates what a great business partner it is for Canon every year as it helps us to promote and introduce all of our high-tech Canon equipment to the most diverse audiovisual markets across a continent, achieving the goals set for themselves and with a large chain of the best distributors and business partners across the globe. Latin America of the professional market, with whom they work with great commercial consistency, strong sales and marketing strategies that always go in the right direction"

He added that "Canon and Merlin, in the Pro Business, have been showing very outstanding growth in the product categories of Cinema, Lenses, ProVideo, PTZ, Monitors and Mirrorless year after year, so we are very proud of their work, achieving again for another year to be awarded with the recognition: "The Distrubutor of the Year Award" by Canon for their performance and their sales increases in the lines of broadcast lenses. for video and PTZ cameras in Brazil, as well as for his great contribution to the sales and marketing development of EOS R systems."

- Publicidad -

It was also the opportunity to deliver the recognitions to its most outstanding resellers, where Merlin Foto e Video, Delta Pro Video and Broadmedia were awarded for their exceptional performance with Canon in 2023, these being the different market segments awarded:

- Awards for the best reseller of PTZ cameras and Provideo cameras for Merlin Foto e Video
- Best Mirrorless & Cinema EOS Reseller Awards for Delta Pro Video
- Best Broadcast Lens Distributor Award for Broadmedia

Edson Marion, CEO of Merlin Dsitributor said: "We are very proud of these new recognitions we have achieved from Canon for our work, as well as the outstanding achievements of our resellers and all the awardees they have achieved for their exceptional performance with Canon in the 2023 period. I can only thank all our partners for always accompanying us in our success and growth together with Canon, which is only possible thanks to their dedication, effort and competence. We're going together for so much more in 2024."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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