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Growth and training go hand in hand

I cannot say exactly how many changes and evolutions have been registered in recent months in the TV industry, but I can tell you that every day new implementations are made in the sector that modify the actions of many professionals.

A few years ago there was talk of what DTT was, how its move would be and what it would allow, today we have before our eyes a wide panorama of content transmission and many ways to visualize them; and that is why in TV and VIDEO we seek to bring you the best information about the industry and its developments.

As you know we arrived at the fifth version of TECNOTELEVISION (formerly Digital Television without Stress) and we will carry it out in Corferias with a commercial sample full of new developments and the most representative manufacturers and distributors that serve Colombia and the Andean region.

More than 20 companies will be accompanying us with their products, novelties and technologies in the commercial exhibition of TECNOTELEVISIÓN, and we have 13 Colombian and international speakers who will share their knowledge with the professionals who attend the academic talks. Lighting, 5.1 sound and loudness, business models, cloud security, streaming platforms, and video acceleration are some of the topics that this fifth version of congress has for you.

- Publicidad -

With TECNOTELEVISION we want to train them, give them the necessary tools to better understand the changes they are having in the industry and how they will impact the region. We are part of a sector in motion that presents news "every minute" and that if we are not aware of it we become obsolete.

I want to invite you to tell us your suggestions, what you want to see and read in the magazine and the portal and learn at the Congress, because our mission is to bring you closer to the industry and its advances.

Remember to write to me [email protected]

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