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Changes in the blink of an eye

Many of us believe that for a change to occur requires many months, but in the time in which we live, the update is as easy as for a chameleon to change color.

New equipment for production, editing and transmission, among others, go on the market in the blink of an eye, and channels and producers must know about them and analyze the possibilities they offer for their continuous work and this was what was experienced this 2012 in the fifth version of TecnoTelevisión in Corferias, where visitors could talk to distributors and manufacturers and learn about the news they bring to the region and get an idea of how the change in the industry continues and how to stay on top of it.

But beyond knowing you have to implement, and it is really surprising to know how technology has changed the way of doing television, how it has facilitated many things and how, what previously needed a space of five (5) meters (or more) today can be done from a team that does not occupy more than two (2) meters, with a wall painted blue or green and one or two cameras.

TV AND VIDEO visited Azteca's facilities in Mexico and it was a great experience. Knowing the equipment, the technology and the studios, as well as the way they worked during the broadcasts of the Olympics from London and the growth that the network has had in the country and the region left us with a vision of what TV means, not only for viewers, but for those who produce it... it continues to be that magic box in which young people are seen, but with greater strength, with real and virtual elements that constitute the daily life of those who work more than 10 hours in it and want to return to their work day by day to continue creating entertainment for those who see them.

- Publicidad -

As I have always said, this is a surprising industry, but so important that year after year it presents new novelties and that forces professionals to adopt them and adapt to them, so I want to invite you to join us at TecnoTelevisión 2013, again from Corferias, Bogotá, on July 31 and first of August.

Remember to send us your comments, suggestions and news to [email protected]

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