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Southern Cone commemorated Telecommunications Day

Cono Sur conmemoró el Día de las Telecomunicaciones

Chile. On May 17, Subtel together with ITU, companies and different actors in the sector met to commemorate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, an instance in which they reflected on the challenges, goals and, above all, on the opportunities that can be generated so that the inhabitants of the country and the Latin American region can benefit from access to digital connectivity and thus improve your quality of life.

The ceremony, which took place at ILO headquarters in Santiago, was attended by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya; Fabio Bertranou, Director of the ILO's Southern Cone Office; Mercedes Aramendia, president of Uruguay's Communications Services Regulatory Unit; Fernando Machuca, director of the National Telecommunications Commission of Paraguay, Pelayo Covarrubias, president of the Fundación País Digital and Silvina Sampastu, president of the Gran Chaco Foundation of Argentina.

Telecommunications Month
In recent decades, the importance of telecommunications in our daily lives has grown considerably, going from being a luxury to a basic necessity in people's lives. The telephone has become a fundamental tool and most of our procedures are online and it is now a memory of the past to stand in line to pay for some basic service.

Just as the world has changed and connectivity is becoming more and more important, so too must the time we spend highlighting its relevance. For this reason, since 2023 the Undersecretary of Telecommunications (Subtel) has designated May as Telecommunications Month, organizing a series of activities together with the different actors in this sector that has Chile as a leader in the region.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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