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IP has matured and is becoming more accessible to customers

IP ha madurado y está siendo más accesible para los clientes

Mexico. Luma Media is a new player in Mexico's broadcast industry. It includes the extensive trajectory of its founder, Marco Radabán, who spoke with TVyVideo+Radio about the Mexican market, the technological trends that are being used the most and what he expects to find at NAB Show 2024.

He highlighted that one of the main topics for the Las Vegas show is artificial intelligence. "This is definitely the hot topic and we'll be hearing it constantly. However, I believe that the topic of IP has matured and is becoming more accessible to customers; I don't rule out that we will listen a lot as well."

Regarding the industry in Mexico, he indicated that it has changed, today it is necessary to produce more content for more platforms, but at a lower cost. "The pandemic also changed the way we produce, customers now have more confidence in the cloud and networks for remote production. Artificial intelligence is another technology, they have begun to revolutionize the way of production and in the coming years they will take on a significant boom."

He added that while the past year has seen much more interest in video over IP and artificial intelligence, the need for production-proven technologies remains. "To give you an example, last year we closed several projects with the Tektronix brand (now Telestream), equipment such as generators and waveforms are still in high demand to make quality productions."

- Publicidad -

Today the company is doing some proofs of concept with artificial intelligence, working on IP integrations, MAM, ingest systems with Telestream, archiving projects with DIVA, lighting for special effects with Quasar Science, among others, to be able to respond to the needs of its customers.

"Users are willing to use new brands, but trying them out first. It happens to us a lot that, when we want to introduce a new technology, we are asked to carry out proofs of concept to be sure that they will not take risks when making a purchase, customers do not like to be experimented with, they prefer proven solutions. Catalog and PowerPoint sales are out of fashion, now people prefer to test compatibility with their systems and ease of operation. Engineers take a lot of account of the opinion of the operators, it's not just that the teams do what they promise but how they do it," he concluded.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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