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Cirion and Tata Communications elevate CDN in Latam

Cirion y Tata Communications elevan CDN en Latam

Latin America. Cirion Technologies announced its partnership with Tata Communications to provide a world-class CDN in Latin America.

The partnership will enable Cirion to enhance its CDN capability in the region and expand reach by leveraging Tata Communications' global CDN network. The partnership will further enhance the content delivery experience for Cirion and Tata Communications customers, ensuring fast and secure delivery within the region and beyond.

Ensuring fast and reliable content delivery is crucial to providing customers with engaging digital experiences. To do this, a reliable and efficient data flow is a must. The strategic alliance with Tata Communications will enable Cirion to scale rapidly as market demand increases. Cirion will significantly increase its ability to seamlessly deliver high-quality, rich media content across the region and become one of the largest providers of low-latency CDN services in Latin America. Customers will also enjoy the ease of having simplified setup and management of their content delivery with real-time insights.

"The rapid growth of data consumption and Internet traffic in the main Latin American cities, generated by the exponential growth of mobile users, IoT devices, cloud applications, among others, represents new demands on networks, which must continue to be optimized and updated in order to scale and offer the necessary performance required by users," said Alejandro Girardotti, Senior Director of Products, Innovation and Strategic Alliances at Cirion Technologies. "Today's customers expect a very rich user experience along with good response times. Tata Communications' strength in the media and entertainment services ecosystem was one of our main drivers in celebrating this partnership for our CDN services and keeping customers satisfied."

- Publicidad -

According to a study by Frost & Sullivan, the global CDN market reached US$14.68 billion in 2022. The consultancy also projects that the market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.41% and reach US$33.3 billion by 2029. During that period, the content delivery segment will see a growth rate of 4.58%, the edge computing segment of 30.99%, and the security segment of 15.71%¹.

"Our infrastructure adapts dynamically and in real time to market demands, enabling efficient management of critical applications and their data, enabling companies to identify market trends early and respond quickly, with solutions that spur future growth," says Girardotti.

Dhaval Ponda, Vice President and Global Head of Media and Entertainment at Tata Communications, said: "In today's fast-paced world, fast and secure content delivery is of paramount importance. Our commitment is to excel in this endeavor, ensuring that Cirion's customers across the region experience seamless and efficient content delivery. Tata Communications has made significant investments in the global media edge to support low-latency CDNs. And with this new partnership, we are poised to redefine the standards of excellence in content delivery, ensuring an unparalleled experience for customers."

Many of the world's leading e-commerce and media sites rely on Cirion's programmable edge and proven customer service to grow their businesses and enable reliable content delivery to users in Latin America.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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