Mexico. After an investigation into the retail e-commerce market, Mexico's Federal Economic Competition Commission, Cofece, preliminarily determined that there are no conditions of effective competition in the sector, affecting both sellers and buyers.
One of the sections of the decision is aimed at streaming platforms that are linked for free on trading platforms. In this specific case, he talks about Amazon and its Amazon Prime Video or Amazon Music service, and Mercado Libre with Diney Plus or Star +.
To remove these barriers, Cofece's preliminary opinion proposes a series of corrective measures in order to restore the conditions of effective competition in this market. In the case of streaming, it specifically asks for:
"Disassociate memberships from streaming services, as well as any other service not related to the use of the Marketplace, as well as prevent the promotion of these within the marketplaces. This implies that the platforms are free to offer the streaming programs and any other service, but these may not be offered as part of the same package of services related to the Marketplace."
The regulator also made other considerations to improve competition on retail platforms, related to promotion algorithms and transparency with sellers and logistics for the delivery of products.
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