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86 Telco antennas affected by fires in Chile

antenas telcos

Chile. The Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Subtel, delivered a balance of the state of telecommunications networks, after the fires that affected the central area of the country, mainly the Valparaíso Region.

The report states that as of February 6, 86 antennas remain without service and that 51 SAE messages were sent in the Valparaiso region. Subtel also points out, preliminarily, that of the almost 300 antennas that were out of service during the catastrophe (peak reached on Saturday, February 3), 10 were affected by the fire, while the rest were out of service because they did not have electricity and consumed the existing backups, as a result of long periods of power outages.

Since the emergency, the companies have placed hundreds of technicians on the ground who, with prior authorization from the authorities and emergency teams on the ground, enter the affected areas to restore service. In addition, since the alert for the fire was declared, Subtel asked companies to activate emergency roaming, a measure that allows users to access connectivity from different companies when theirs is not available.

Measures taken by companies
Different measures have been put in place by companies to help their users in the disaster zone.

- Publicidad -

Of course:
Reactivation of mobile and fixed services to customers with debt.
Activation of data exchanges for prepaid customers.
Delivery of sim cards to support the work of the authority.
Three WiFi hubs will be deployed in schools in the affected area.
Internet coverage in Sausalito, for coordination with the authority.

Replacement of the debt accounts of more than 1,200 customers in affected communes.
Delivery of bags of minutes plus gigabytes of navigation for 121 thousand prepaid customers.
5,000 Simcards that will be made available to the authority to support the work of the emergency units deployed in the area.
Two additional Entel mobile carts to support connectivity in the area.

Restitution of services to customers in arrears.
Bags with minutes, GB and SMS to customers without balance.
Mobile antenna deployed to cover the affected areas.
Installation of mobile generators for sites affected by power supply.

Customers who were suspended for non-payment have been reactivated.
Mobile antenna deployed to cover the affected areas.
Mobile generators deployed to connect sites in the area.
Prepaid SIM cards delivered to the emergency team of the regional presidential delegation.
Release of data traffic for prepaid customers in the affected areas.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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