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Teradek Launches Display Platform for Production


Latin America. Teradek TV is the new instant recording review and live streaming platform designed specifically for production. It allows productions to effortlessly set up and share ultra-high-quality encrypted video streams with extremely low lag, giving creatives, executives, and other stakeholders the ability to collaborate in real-time.

"Teradek TV allows any production team, project, or even an entire studio to 'drag and drop' their video Village or their set of cloud posts," said Greg Smokler, vice president and general manager of Cine Products. "The platform is fast, intuitive, and scalable because it's built on the powerful video streaming technology that Teradek has developed over the past 15 years."

Teradek TV enables permission-based visibility into studio-level playlists in real-time, with live streams, downloadable instant proxies for newspapers, publishers, VFX, cross-platform color management, and metadata support. Military-grade encryption blocks unauthorized access to content and uses user-specific watermarks on each frame.

Teradek TV Features:
4K HDR with color accuracy: Because Teradek TV streams complete color channel information, you can trust that you're seeing creatives' intent, no matter the device.
Multi-Camera Live Streams: View preset camera layouts or arrange up to 4 camera streams as you see fit. Production audio can be included in the stream.
Instant Recordings Playback: View playback from anywhere in the world. Or give your editor access to download all of the day's proxy files so you can get started with the assembly.
Voice & Text Chat: Your team members are just a microphone away. Make decisions faster.
Privacy within your space: On Teradek TV, live streams, recordings, and chat are streamed in dedicated spaces. This means that each department, unit, or vendor can have their own private communication.
Visibility across multiple productions: If you're linked to more than one production using Teradek TV, you can quickly jump between productions to see what's happening in each.

Teradek TV was designed to break down production silos, offering native viewing apps for popular devices: iOS, Android, Apple TV, Mac, and Windows that allow the key team from video village to post-production to watch live streams and collaborate in real-time.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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