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IFT published annual report telecommunications consumption 2022


Mexico. The Federal Institute of Telecommunications, IFT , presented the Seventh Annual Report on Rights, Risks, Interests, Trends or Consumption Patterns of Users, which discloses the actions, projects, reports and strategies carried out by the Institute during 2022, with the purpose of achieving effective protection of the rights of users.

Rights of users
The Report details the main findings derived from the analysis of the plans and rates of telecommunications services, which allow us to know the offer of mobile services (telephony and mobile internet, in its different contracting modalities: postpaid and prepaid) and fixed (fixed internet, fixed telephony and pay television, in its different contracting modalities): single, double and triple play), so that users can compare and make informed decisions.

Similarly, the work of the IFT carried out within the framework of the Digital Literacy Program (PAD) 2022, whose purpose is to promote the creation and development of digital skills in the use of new technologies, as well as contribute to the elimination of gender gaps, is highlighted.

Within the framework of the PAD, around 25 courses were offered, organized into 82 groups, whose contents aimed to promote digital skills in children and adolescents, women, people with visual disabilities and the elderly. There were also 17 talks aimed at users, in which information was provided for the protection of their rights, in addition to the benefits of using telecommunications and information and communication technology (ICT) services and equipment. As a result of these actions, it was possible to reach approximately 2,500 people.

- Publicidad -

It is important to note that the Report reports on the collaboration carried out with various institutions in carrying out literacy activities and promoting the rights of users.

As part of the information actions for users, the implementation of new digital tools stands out, such as: Internet of Things (IoT) Catalog, which offers information on the main characteristics and privacy policies defined by the manufacturers of some devices that are marketed in Mexico and that have been approved before the IFT and; Quality in the Mobile Service, a tool that allows users to consult the results of measurements of the mobile service carried out by the IFT, to guarantee the right of end users to access quality telecommunications services. Currently the User Portal has a total of 20 digital tools.

As part of the work in favor of users with disabilities, the main results of the Fifth Report on Accessibility to Telecommunications Services for Persons with Disabilities are presented, as well as the recognitions that, at the international level, the Institute obtained during 2022, such is the case of the first place awarded to the IFT by the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulatory Entities (REGULATEL), in the category of Quality of Service to the User, for the project "Actions in the Field of Accessibility to Telecommunications Services".

Likewise, in terms of attention to users during 2022, 73,305 people were oriented, through the different means of contact available to the Institute, such as: email, face-to-face attention, I am a User, the operation of the switch, attention via chat and WhatsApp, where it was supported with the management, monitoring and resolution of 26,284 nonconformities of telecommunications services.

Interests, Preferences, Trends or Consumption Patterns
This Report also gives an account of the surveys carried out to the users of telecommunications services, highlights the studies carried out to know the consumption patterns and experience of users of telecommunications services with some type of disability, the Third 2021 MSME Survey, as well as the special report Knowledge, Perception and Use of Artificial Intelligence by Fixed and / or Mobile Internet Users, among others.

The Report can be consulted by clicking here.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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