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FoxTelecolombia, process-based engineering

One of the most important television production companies in the country is FoxTelecolombia. In its headquarters located in the center of Bogotá, it has an area of 23 thousand square meters with a complete audiovisual infrastructure that has grown during the last year.

Jorge Jaramillo, Vice President of Operations and Technology of FoxTelecolombia, told TVyVideo+Radio that from the engineering area the success is due to the production model implemented, which is based on processes and in which engineers are part of the production since the script arrives.

"We have a different engineering model, focused on processes, flows, which is involved in productions, solving and anticipating problems, which before engineers did not have to review. Today the flows of data coming out of the recording are engineering problems. Being a creative industry, engineering is done with many talks, in which ideas arise, with trial / error, practicing, testing and learning what can be applied and what can not, "he said.

This production model was defined with the evolution of technology, at the time when cameras ceased to be boxes to produce images that were stored on tapes and were transformed into storage systems housed in hard drives, and other information was needed. Great engineering became a great flow.

- Publicidad -

The transformation of FoxTelecolombia began in 2012, when the president of the Company, Samuel Duque, adopted film production models for the series, that is, very careful productions, recorded on a single camera, without allowing continuity effects. With this model they have begun to produce series that are issued in the United States. To achieve the success of the model, within the company they had to strive to understand the flow of cinema to apply it to video recording. Thus they united the virtues of both, the quality of cinema with the speed and cost of video. 

"This production model also included technology change. Today the cameras are cinema, the optics, the photographers are film school. The film director has also learned to make his first editing cut as it is done on television. The second big change was in the treatment of the image. The video control that was previously done in the recording, went on to be done in post-production," added Jorge Jaramillo.

The evolution of technology
In order to support the growth in the production of serials, novels, realities and live programming, both at its headquarters in Colombia and mexico, it has several projects underway. Among them is the renovation of the cameras. According to the Vice President of Operations and Technical of FoxTelecolombia, from the technological point of view, everything that comes to the market can be applied to TV, that is why they are a creative industry. 

From the engineering they are studying how the viewer is changing their consumption habits. A topic that initially would not be of interest to the producer but must be integrated, should understand how OTT platforms, 360 video, the ratio of cell phones and mobile devices work. 

"Before you started to broadcast a story and in the course you were changing the story line if it was not working for the audience. Today all the full chapters are delivered before going on the air because it is immediately available on platforms. This is the new consumption and the challenge for engineering that has reduced its times. Engineering must be attentive to the analysis of new consumption to apply them in productions, "said Jorge Jaramillo.

Innovations in construction have also been applied to the creation of a scenographic street that makes it easier to recreate any environment and that equates the headquarters of FoxTelecolombia to the film studios of the United States. This adaptation of its headquarters, in which eight studios operate, follows the expansion implemented a year ago with the acquisition of the joint warehouses to its headquarters and where they will unify all the company's offices in one place, such as administrative and sales offices.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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