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Correct image at low bitrate

As the use of devices capable of receiving audiovisual content increases, so does the demand for the quality of this content. Snell & Wilcox proposes a solution to take advantage of this nascent market.

Current estimates related to the dynamism of mobile television for the years The future reflects an expectation of tremendous growth. By for now, studies have found that viewers prefer to use their mobile display devices as supplement to your regular television programming; these tend to see extra or exclusive content related to their favorite programs. To make the content viable, both in terms of access as payment, must be really attractive and must enrich the experience of programming viewers habitual. Viewers also expect the content to be see well, no matter what challenges content providers take advantage of They face when balancing quality and bitrate.

The transition of the shorts, deleted scenes, interview with actors and others contents from the tv screen to the mobile screen it is not a simple matter. Scenes that look good in a Home theaters are susceptible to a variety of problems when they are compressed and fitted into much smaller screens. As content owners seek to leverage their media assets on mobile platforms, they discover that the right technology can make all the difference. And here it explains why.

By its nature, video is a application that consumes a lot of bandwidth. Whether a operator uses 2.5G, 3G, DMB, DVB-H or MediaFlo technology in order to Distribute your content, bandwidth is your biggest concern. To the extent that the content is prepared for these platforms still emerging, bandwidth limitations impose an emphasis on the fidelity of video compression of any system of recomposition and reuse of content.

The possibility of generating income additional existing content through its recomposition and Reuse for the mobile market is extremely attractive for broadcasters and other content owners. Without However, this option is only feasible if the processing of the Video for mobile TV can be achieved in a standard high enough and at a sufficiently low cost in order to generate the necessary margin. The ability to provide discharge quality, at low bit rates in a workflow of High performance is a requirement.

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The real challenge is to take pictures produced for wide-format HDTV displays and compressed and fit them into portable screens. Let's take into consideration that sports headlines are among the mobile content most popular. They offer a huge opportunity. These they are short and action-packed. Just the qualities that make them attractive to users in turn make them difficult to be deployed on a mobile television.

When formatting images Wide are played on a mobile phone, it is difficult stop the viewer from following the action or even sometimes, distinguish subjects in very wide scenes, when the light is very low or too powerful, or the movement is too fast. By example during World Cup highlights it was difficult or impossible to follow the ball against the field or the crowd on a small screen.

Every time at Snell & Wilcox we have really invested three decades in the image processing, compression and conversion business of formats and standards, we invest a lot of resources in the solution of this type of problem. We have developed a new file conversion platform for applications mobile TV, and we have faced the key issues that are of greater concern on the part of content owners to expand the dispatch options and capabilities of your contents.

Our Helios system automates fully converting the video from the creation of the content until its delivery to the viewer. The key to high performance is in the integration of sophisticated technologies for motion estimation and video compression the which we have developed for professional applications of Broadcasting. The processes that the system uses for the delivery of the highest possible quality begins with an evaluation and analysis of the incoming content. The purpose of this evaluation is identify and track the area of interest of the content. This is the part of the box that is typically of greatest interest to the viewer, and who is often an actor or an athlete who dominates the scene.

Once the area of interest is determined, the next step is to re-fit the content to in order to provide the tightest shot so that the content is compressed on the mobile screen. The dynamic reformatting of the video helps to extract content from the realm of HDTV and migrate it to the ideal composition for mobile TV. The possibility that the owner of the content has to work with the original or with the taking of the main content of an event as for example a football match, concert or other events carefully produced in the creation of Mobile TV is critical.

It is very difficult to move all the value of production from original programming to mobile screen. And, instead of deploying an extra team of production personnel exclusively for the capture of content friendly to mobile terminals, the owners of contents can leverage existing resources in the study or in the field to provide multiple angles and Perspectives.

The next step, compression Real of the reformatted images, is the step in which the Underlying technology makes a significant contribution to the final product. When compressing images for mobile TV, Helios can create higher quality images at bit rates lower than any other system on the market. The same is able to do so because it dynamically separates the foreground from the background within the video image and gives a treatment to each separately. Most of the energy of the Compression encoder is intended for images of the close-up which are more important to the viewer.

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Let's consider again the nature of a concert or sporting event. When preparing mobile TV content from an event Typical sports, compression encoder must process both the action on the field and with the crowd in the background. All once the crowd can form a considerable part of the image, and is by definition random in nature, the same consumes, and therefore wastes, a significant portion of the bitrate available in the compression system. This is a huge factor in mobile TV apps with bandwidth limitations in which every bit is valuable.

Snell & Wilcox has eliminated this problem using a concept taken from the cinematography of high quality. By employing your estimating technology Motion Ph.C, Helios analyzes incoming images and effectively focuses on the area of interest of the foreground of the image and at the same time blurs the crowd in the background. The result is a significant improvement in the experience of display on the mobile screen, even at low speed of bit. Therefore, high quality images can be reformatted on small screens while maintaining your focus and fluid movement.

All these steps can be manually undertaken with discrete processing systems, but this approach can be costly and time-consuming, so both threatening the potential to generate revenue in the market of mobile television. Advanced conversion technologies and processing, such as the Helios platform, achieve everything previous automatically, making the TV market more attractive mobile and enabling the dispatch of content to consumers at lower costs.

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