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The Path to Network Efficiency via SAN

Learn how SAN technology originated, how it works, and what needs it came to meet in this article published in 2000.

In traditional networks, storage processes were carried out on a central server where users went to consult the information. The duplication of files was necessary since access to documents was not simultaneous, generally, each file could only be seen by one user at a time and the possibility of sharing them was limited. On the other hand, the process of storing such information slowed down the overall operation of the server by delaying the flow of data throughout the network. The current requirements in the networks (in terms of accessibility and speed) led to the development of a system that would free the server from the process of archiving and verifying information, and allow the optimal use of space in it. This development was included in the network architecture units known as SAN (Storage Area Network).

SAN is a dedicated infrastructure that allows you to connect different drives to the storage system where you can share data, files, clips and other information formats without duplicating them or moving them to other points on the network. Creating a self-sufficient unit that does not depend on server operation, SANs are specifically geared toward storage functions, license management, implementation of security models, and control of the volume of access and operation of stored files.

SANs are also geared toward solving general system problems such as:

  1. Loss of scalability in file subsystems generated by factors such as cabling limitations, loss of connectivity, bandwidth management, etc.
  2. Cost effectiveness: Being dedicated units they work more efficiently and their cost is lower. On the other hand, they reduce the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) since they are simple devices (they have a single function) that require less control and maintenance, and their update is direct; as for the server, they allow a faster operation that increases the efficiency of the network. Using a SAN is a way to maximize investment while eliminating routine control and verification tasks and consuming time on them. This type of servers allow the consolidation of storage and reduce the activities of control of the same, a SAN becomes a coordinating system that assumes the task of moving the data simplifying the operation of the central server of the network, the owners can think about adding applications in the space freed by the storage or upgrade their server to units with greater capacity but of lower cost.
  3. Reliability: Storage applications will have fewer factors that can interrupt their work, the variety of hardware and software and the operating system itself represent points of possible failure, isolation makes their operation independent and decreases the risk of interruption, a failure in the server will not affect the storage process and vice versa, a failure in the server will not prevent other points of the network from accessing the information stored on the network.
  4. Heterogeneous and open systems support: As standalone operating systems, they can support proxy drives that allow different operating systems to simultaneously interact with any file type and its storage.
  5. Access speed: There are many bottlenecks that affect the potential operation of the network; in the Ethernet system (standard network cards for connections) the information is tied to each unit that contains it or to the server, the input of several consultants decreases the speed of the system and reduces the transfer rate (its speed is 10 times lower than a SAN unit) since the communication between units is done through TCP / IP. In SAN architectures, the storage server is tied directly to the network increasing the access speed, the SAN system handles the cross-platform file-sharing concept that helps simplify the workflow, allows simultaneous and direct access eliminating the need for file transfer and enabling shared work.

The new architecture with SAN drives :

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The traditional way of performing backup was developed to work on network resources and backup tape servers, the information contained online and accessed through servers for files or for applications, commonly databases, followed a linear path with speed limitations due to Ethernet (see Figure 1). In the new structure, access to information is controlled via FC-AL (Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop) which allows direct communication between file drives and applications and the storage server. The SAN coordinates the data transfer function that is performed over a bridge (fibreBridge) while controlling multiple access and exercising its security functions (see Figure 2). This system provides a high level of scalability, functionality and productivity especially for digitization, editing and rendering within a content creation environment, these new systems have write protection features allowing only one user access to this possibility. The latest developments allow interoperability between Windows and Macintosh systems within the same network.

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