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Tecomtel explored the latest trends and solutions

Tecomtel exploró las últimas tendencias y soluciones

Chile. The Tecomtel 2024 International Congress has concluded with great success and unprecedented participation, consolidating itself as a benchmark event for the communications industry in Chile and the region. For three days, more than 3,300 visitors had the opportunity to explore the latest trends and solutions in two main axes: the Technology Expo and the Seminar with more than 60 conferences and panel discussions.

This year, Tecomtel stood out for three fundamental elements:

Constructive Vision vs. AI:
The various panels and conferences demonstrated a constructive vision to address the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Strategies and approaches to integrate this technology ethically and efficiently into the current communications landscape were discussed.

Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration:
Encouraging the development of interdisciplinary projects and promoting collaboration between the different sectors of our ecosystem (companies, academic institutions, organizations linked to the field and state entities) were the central concepts in a large part of the activities of the congress, establishing themselves as fundamental pillars to advance towards leadership in innovation and progress.

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Academia-Industry Link:
The active participation of the academic world placed its emphasis on the Academia-Industry link and also on the certifications that enhance the curriculum. The panels discussed the strategies and methodologies that can strengthen these needs and thus allow a substantive leap for future graduates and for the greater professionalization of our industry.

In the Expo Hall, of more than 1350 m², the quality of the stands and the diversity of technologies presented, ranging from cinema and television to integrated communications and immersive technologies, stood out. Among the areas addressed, the following can be highlighted: cinema; TV; radio; integrated communications; LED technologies and displays; optics; audio systems, equipment and software; grip systems; lighting; management and control systems; telecommunications equipment; post-production systems and software; workflows; systems for networks over IP; equipment and systems for virtual production, motion capture and immersive technologies; remote production and systems for subtitling and simultaneous translation, among many others.

Alejandro Wilson, Executive Director of the congress said: "An interesting contribution, to be highlighted this year, was the participation of associations and organizations at the forefront of the national industry. The Center for the Technological Revolution in Creative Industries (CRTIC), the international audiovisual association for the industry AVIXA and the production companies 500 Nanometers and ATOMICA, presented various technological innovations and specialization services, participated in the panels and offered immersive experiences to the public. In addition, the Chilean Cinematography Association (ACC) set up a stand with interesting technical talks and interviews (in coordination with the exhibiting companies), which were broadcast live thanks to the great work of teachers and students of the IP AIEP. In parallel to the ACC, other associations such as AES, Chilecreativo and Radios Regionales, played a prominent role in the panels and meetings to enhance collaboration. The contribution of all of them, without a doubt, made the meeting grow and increased the value that this congress brings to our industry"

The Tecomtel Seminar was a prominent section of the event, with more than 60 lectures and panel discussions. This was divided into two main parts:

Tecomtel Industry: where national and international experts shared knowledge and experiences on the latest trends and challenges in the communications industry. In this section, the following stood out: the inaugural panel entitled "AI, the technology that will change industries and creation in the new century", which included the participation of Carolina Gainza (Undersecretary of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation) and the active participation of the companies that presented, through experiences, the innovative use of their technologies.

Tecomtel Educa: Academic managers shared knowledge with experts from industry and the State, addressing topics such as: certifications, technologies and new tools for education, links with industry and the more organic development of academic technology centers. In this section, 11 academic institutions participated, in addition to Adobe, which presented its new technological developments and applications with Artificial Intelligence. It is worth highlighting in Tecomtel Educa the international participation of the Attic Center, of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia, which shared its experiences as the most advanced technological center in Latin America and invited the participating institutions, in collaboration with Tecomtel, to commit interest in the formation of a Latin American Network of Digital Creation, focused on mutual collaboration and the generation of content together.

Finally, he also highlighted the realization of the first Tecomtel Blackmagic Challenge, a competition between students from 5 academic institutions who participated in an initial workshop and carried out, with the support of coach Cecilia Belliz (Davinci Resolve Ambassador of Blackmagic Design), the production of a video about the 2024 congress. The winners received prizes from various companies participating in the congress.

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The Tecomtel International Congress 2024 was an exceptional event that not only highlighted the latest innovations in communications technologies, but also fostered collaboration and knowledge sharing among all the key players in our industry.

Tecomtel 2024 is a space for meeting, collaboration and learning that will continue to contribute to the advancement and development of the communications industry. We thank all the participants, exhibitors, sponsors and collaborators for making this edition a resounding success.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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