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ARRI Launches Accessory for Long-Range Applications


Latin America. Orbiter Beam is ARRI's new solution, which expands the range of accessories for these LED spots. This is the first LED light beam optical fixture in the ARRI lighting product portfolio. A new optical concept was developed specifically for this reflector.

The intensity level of the Orbiter Beam is comparable to that of an ARRI M18 M-Series Daylight reflector, but with a narrower aperture angle. For the first time, such intensity values can be achieved with a high-quality full-spectrum LED source, making the Orbiter Beam the highest-intensity full-color range LED spot light on the market. This parallel beam light is perfect for cinematic applications, whether for long distances or as an indirect bounce light.

This new optical for the Orbiter provides a powerful, well-defined, homogeneous 4° parallel beam. The Orbiter Beam is the ideal choice for creating the illusion of distant natural lights. The unique and authentic look of this accessory, combined with the versatile Orbiter, makes it the preferred choice for filmmakers to simulate natural sunlight or moon in film projects.

The Orbiter Beam features a large aperture in a compact (approx. 573 mm x 548 mm x 548 mm / 22.6 in x 21.6 in x 21.6 in) and lightweight (5.9 kg / 13 lbs.) housing. The diameter of the reflector, 530 mm, is similar in size to that of the M90 luminaire. The two elements of the optics, the reflector and the snoot, can be easily separated and stacked for easy storage and transport. It includes a unique manual hot-spot adjustment, allowing you to smooth or harden the edges. The Orbiter Beam is a great addition to the existing 15°, 30° and 60° Open Face Orbiter optics. For the Orbiter Beam, no additional accessories such as visors or snoot tubes are required, as the beam of light it produces is already well focused.

- Publicidad -

The Orbiter's Quick Lighting Mount System (QLM) allows the Orbiter Beam to be mounted quickly and safely. Any Orbiter loaded with LiOS2 firmware or later is prepared to operate the Orbiter Beam.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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