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IFT begins the process of delivering new radio and DTT stations


Mexico. The Federal Institute of Telecommunications, IFT, announced the activities of the Program for the Promotion and Encouragement of Community and Indigenous Radio Broadcasting (Pro Radio), which in its first stage this year will carry out visits to localities in Veracruz and online workshops to advise people interested in a concession to provide broadcasting (Radio and DTT[1]) and telecommunications services.

Since its launch in 2019, Pro Radio has promoted community and indigenous radio and telecommunications network, through joint actions that guarantee the accompaniment of those interested in acquiring, operating and managing media that promote the plurality and diversity of content.

Through the Program, the Institute works to generate a bond of closeness and accompaniment with interested people from communities, indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples, thus seeking to eliminate regulatory, administrative, communication and economic barriers. In addition, it generates certainty that the projects are viable and can be developed in accordance with cultural, educational, language preservation and the conservation of their customs.

For this year, the IFT will carry out new actions within the framework of Pro Radio aimed at rapprochement with the Afro-Mexican communities to establish a joint work strategy from the management of the formal proposal and, where appropriate, until they transmit with the frequency concessioned for the operation of the stations.

- Publicidad -

As part of the activities scheduled for the first stage, online workshops will be held for which interested persons, applicants or concessionaires can register, from February 12 to 22.

For all those people who cannot attend the offices or with the IFT staff commissioned in their locality, they can register for the consultations on specific doubts for the presentation of their application from February 12 to 29 through the following link:, the consultations will take place from February 19 to March 1.

The IFT makes available to interested persons the [email protected] email and telephone number 5550154000 extensions 4391 and 4236, to answer questions or comments.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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