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Tascam Appoints New Representative for Latam


Latin America. TASCAM has reached an agreement for Merlin Distributor to represent its AV product line throughout the Latin American market. Territories included in the agreement include Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Honduras, Puerto Rico and Costa Rica.

Joe Stopka, VP of Sales and Market Development at TASCAM, said, "Merlin Distributor has a strong base of distributors and distributors, as well as video integration partners throughout Latin America. Although we have distributors covering Pro AV/MI Retail in Latin America, we want Merlin Distributor's focus to be specifically on the video market. Our expectation is that Merlin Distributor will represent TASCAM with confidence and professionalism to both its business partners and its customers. They have an enviable reputation for being a solid organization that provides very high-quality service to their client base throughout Latin and Central and Central America."

Edson Marion, CEO of Merlin Distributor, was enthusiastic about his company's new relationship with TASCAM: "For our company, working with the best manufacturers in our industry has always been an important goal. With our new region-wide distribution agreement with TASCAM, we add one of the most distinguished brands to our portfolio. All of us at Merlin Distributor are committed to providing our business partners with superior products to help them develop strong distribution throughout Latin America, further ensuring excellence for everyone involved."

Tascam in Latin America
With a strong reputation in Latin America and around the world, TASCAM offers professional high-end recording and playback solutions at an affordable price, as noted by Stopka, "TASCAM's quality is evident in every detail. If you make a direct comparison of our brand with others in the industry, TASCAM can be consistently found to be ahead of the curve. Our products address a wide range of applications, so customers can rest assured that we offer a capable solution for almost any production challenge they may encounter."

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In this regard, TASCAM has a wide range of products including media players/recorders, audio and video recorders, multitrack recorders, portable handheld/field recorders, digital recording consoles, mixers, and audio interfaces. There are also podcast and streaming products, Dante processors, as well as installation products. Equally notable is that the company offers a full line of accessories, including headphones and microphones, all of which provide a spectrum of professional solutions with the highest quality.

Regarding the plans that TASCAM brings to the market, Stopka said: "We have high expectations with Merlin Distributor together with TASCAM because we know their strength as an organization and the excellence in their customer service" – adding with a view to the future: "Therefore, looking ahead to 2024, we hope to have our brand in stores, giving customers the opportunity to see, tap and experience TASCAM the right way. Post-Covid, we see many growth opportunities in Latin America, not only through online sales, but also in a variety of physical video, electronics, and mass-market stores. Our goal from 2024 is to put our products in the hands of customers, so they can experience TASCAM first-hand."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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