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PUCP renovates its studio with the help of IntekTV and VideoPro

IntekTV y VideoPro

Peru. IntekTV collaborated with VideoPro, Blackmagic Design's authorized reseller in Peru, for the transformation of the television studio of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PUCP.

This project has been carried out with the aim of surpassing the technological and workflow standards established by the previous studio (Estudio TV2) and consolidating itself as the most advanced university television studio in the country.

The Client: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
PUCP, a private university located in Lima's San Miguel district, is known for its academic excellence and has consistently maintained its position among the top five universities in the country according to various rankings. The Faculty of Communication Sciences and Arts of PUCP, inaugurated in 1998, stands out for its innovation and, in 2006, established the first digital TV studio, which is considered the largest university television studio in Peru.

Establishing a 4K Stream at a Competitive Cost
Alfonso Fernández, Project Manager at VideoPro, pointed out that the key challenge was to establish a fully 4K stream at a competitive cost, surpassing even the TV2 Studio implemented in 2018. The goal was to advance both in terms of technology and workflow, giving PUCP the ability to produce television content of the highest quality.
The implemented solution included a complete 4K 12G SDI workflow with Blackmagic Design technology, highlighting the new Blackmagic ATEM Constellation 4K switcher, a 4 M/E's panel and three Blackmagic URSA Broadcast G2 camera chains in fiber optic configuration.

- Publicidad -

During the two months of implementation, two-way communication was key. Client and supplier stress the importance of being fully attuned between needs and desired outcomes. Sandro Gino Carranza, Administrator of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and Arts at PUCP states: "The training has been very complete; Proof of this is that during the first few weeks of using the new study, where there are usually many drawbacks, the situations that arose were minimal."

The Results: Innovation and Career Readiness
Sandro Gino also highlights the undoubted return on investment: "This investment is very positive because having state-of-the-art equipment allows us to be at the forefront in terms of television production in the medium, not only academically but also professionally". Comprehensive training has proven effective, minimizing inconveniences during the first few weeks of using the new study.

In this regard, Mabel Mompó, Chief Operations Officer of IntekTV, said: "We are excited to have collaborated with VideoPro to transform the PUCP television studio. This initiative demonstrates our continued commitment to innovation and excellence in delivering cutting-edge audio and video solutions."

The transformation of PUCP's television studio marks a significant milestone in the Peruvian audiovisual industry, highlighting the ability of IntekTV and VideoPro to lead projects of this magnitude.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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