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RTVC used Brainstorm for election coverage in Colombia


Colombia. Brainstorm has been key in the creation and broadcast of the graphics of the coverage of the Colombian Elections 2023 carried out by Radio Televisión de Colombia. The public broadcaster RTVC has carried out a huge deployment throughout the election day of last Sunday, October 29, to cover all aspects of the Elections.

In this coverage, Aston, Brainstorm's graphics solution, has been key in the preparation of the explanatory graphics throughout the day. Brainstorm, with its more than 30 years of experience producing election programs and represented in Colombia by La Curaçao, is at the service of its clients to provide the most advanced tools to achieve a narrative that is both affordable and attractive to the audience.

RTVC's design and graphics team also had the support of Brainstorm Latin America's specialists to generate a wide variety of graphics with Aston, both for signage and lower thirds and full-screen with statistical graphics based on external data, linked to official data sources, received directly from the Registry of Civil Status of Colombia. Since Aston can easily connect to external sources, high-level charts such as data bars, percentages, counts or explanatory maps can be automatically generated from that data, providing dynamic and permanently updated broadcasting.

According to Pablo Osorio, graphic designer in charge of RTVC's elections project, "Aston has allowed us to generate the entire graphic line of the coverage of the 2023 Elections, both at the signage level and for full-screen graphics, including official statistics. It's a very advanced tool, very versatile, which allowed us to make these charts quickly and efficiently." Jesús Romero, engineer in charge of data processing, added that "the flexibility that Aston gave us in the connectivity to the official data allowed us to manage the data in a very simple way, where the producer had complete access to what he wanted to graph at all times".

- Publicidad -

Frank Lima, Brainstorm's Sales Manager for Latin America, said: "We are delighted to have contributed to the fantastic success of this election coverage produced by RTVC. Our tools and team, together with the collaboration of our representative in Colombia La Curaçao, have an extensive and impressive resume in covering elections around the world for more than 30 years, which is reflected in the results obtained by our clients."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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