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Triax or fiber, a matter of distances

Using triax because it is easy to repair or fiber optics to gain greater distances and quality, are the decisions that the channels must make when choosing the transmission model for their studio cameras.

By Richard Santa

Like all equipment and systems for television, studio cameras are rapidly advancing in technology. Manufacturers have even generated new business models for these cameras, facilitating their use for each particular project and directly affecting the price for the end user.

But one of the points that generates discussion in the development of these cameras, has to do with the way to transmit the video captured to the master. Traditionally it is made through a copper wire. But today there are several companies that are working on promoting other technologies such as fiber optics or others such as triax with their own modifications, in the case of Grass Valley.

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One of the manufacturers that wants to massify the use of fiber optics to transmit the signal is Panasonic. Carlos Black, Senior Supervisor of Broadcast Systems at Panasonic Latin America, explained that for two years the company has been working to explain to its customers why it is better to use fiber. And this year that work will intensify.

Long distances with quality
Although fiber optic transmission technology is widely developed, there is still a resistance to using it because in some countries, in which they claim not to have good access to the equipment necessary to repair the cable. This situation occurs especially in medium or small channels that have the belief that repairing an optical fiber is problematic and represents some technological barriers because they require specialized equipment for this purpose. Therefore, some media are forced to use transmission through copper.

"You have to explain to the channels and producers things like that the Full HD is given in 1920 by 1080 and this usually uses a package of 1.5 gigabytes. The problem is that the only way to transmit 1.5 gigabytes without changing its structure is through optical fiber, it makes it more transparent and with less losses than those generated when transmitting Full HD through a copper cable. The chances of maintaining high quality are greater with fiber optics," said Carlos Black.

Today the large canals of Latin America use fiber optics and have how to repair it. However, there is still resistance in the smaller channels to buy the technology that allows to repair the optical fiber. "Panasonic has some ideas on how to fix this resistance to change that will allow for greater appropriation of this technology and will be announced during the next NAB in April," added Carlos Black.

Ease of repair
The easiest option to use for medium and small companies is the Triax, thanks to the fact that the copper cable on which it is supported provides ease to be repaired in the field. But it is known that when used over long distances or with Full HD, it begins to present problems that end up affecting the quality of the image.

That's why the Grass Valley company developed a triax with greater technology that solves distance problems. Jorge Dighero, of Grass Valley Latin America, indicated that the modifications made by them allow to use a triax with a distance of up to eight times greater than a normal system.

"The Grass Valley triax can offer a distance up to eight times greater than a normal Triax and maintain a high quality of the image being transmitted. The advantage over fiber optics is that in the case of any cable damage, it can be repaired in 15 minutes, while with the second it is a little more complicated, it requires more work and more time," he said.

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But Jorge Dighero recognizes that "fiber technology is absolutely developed and its acceptance is growing because the development of cables has improved exponentially. A fiber cable today does things that five years ago were unthinkable. The problem was the fear that something would happen with the cable, but technology today allows bending, pressing and hitting the cables, situations that previously broke them. In repair technology there are also new ways to weld that make it much easier."

To the question of whether fiber should be used instead of triax, the two experts agreed that it is basically a question of distances that ends up affecting the final quality of the image. Carlos Black also mentioned that "Triax begins to present difficulties at a certain distance when it is transmitted in Full HD. In addition, it provides a considerable number of deficiencies that affect the quality of the image in Full HD."

New forms of business
The Company Grass Valley has specialized in studio cameras and sports broadcasting. And through its LDX line it has developed a different investment model for clients through the concept of licensing. It works like this: the customer can purchase a camera with basic functions and according to the needs of each production, can acquire licenses to add additional functionalities.

This licensing occurs in two ways: partial or complete. The first has a set time of a week or a month, while the other would be a permanent leave. It is important for companies because basic cameras have a cheaper cost and is a good option for those who rent cameras and even for the producers themselves.

Waiting for NAB
The characteristics of Panasonic and Grass Valley studio cameras are known in the market. Carlos Black commented that in this segment Panasonic was behind compared to competitors. But today it has two camera references that respond to all the needs of a studio production.

For his part, Jorge Dighero stressed that the studio cameras of the company he represents have a high level of acceptance thanks to the sensor, the way to process the distances with triax, to be able to remove the XCU easily. In fact, he added, a renowned sports broadcast channel recently acquired 50 cameras for its new studios.

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The two companies promised that there will be many novelties in the next NAB  in terms of studio cameras, both in their technologies and in the subject of 4K. We will be attentive to your presentations.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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