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Newtec with its eyes on Latin America

Latin America. The satellite solutions company of Belgian origin, Newtec, today has a presence in all the countries of the region with a regional office in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Thanks to its penetration in the broadcast industry with clients such as television channels, DTH operators, broadcasters, and in different applications such as distribution and television contribution systems, it seeks to expand with services for other sectors of the Telcos industry.

Alejandro Guerra, sales director for Latin America of Newtec, told TVyVideo that "our regional presence specifically has a high penetration with television networks in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and without a doubt the first place is Brazil, where we are with the three DTH television operators, the operators of news contribution systems and mobile operators." 

Among the company's plans, he explained, are to continue as number one with DTH operators with the entry of new players into the region. Another focus is with mobile operators in which they expect high growth and Broadband networks similar to Vive Digital in Colombia or Fitel in Peru. 

In terms of technology, Newtec has launched new products to the market that apply the DVB S2X standard, which they consider could be the latest standard for digital transmission over satellite, because it approaches the theoretical Shannon limit established in satellite digital communications. 

- Publicidad -

"I think the value proposition of us today is that we have products that, while it is true that they cannot be deployed with the latest standard, only with a software update will allow us to quickly migrate to the new standard when the equipment that goes on the side of the final subscriber is available. This product has won two international awards from the World Teleport Association (WTA) as the most innovative technology of the year, because they have features such as FlexACM® and Clean Channel Technology®, "said Alejandro Guerra.

About their work in the region, they currently have two DTH projects that are growths of existing platforms, another new DTH with the government sector. With mobile operators they have projects underway and in broadband access projects they have particular interest in the plans of the Ministry of ICT of Colombia. 


Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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