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The industry's challenge is to maximize investments: Evertz

Latin America. A necessary trend for the industry is that through innovative solutions, investments are maximized for the benefit of companies, said Nicholas Ponomariv, regional manager for Latin America and the Caribbean at Evertz, during NAB Show 2019.

"2019 is a big change between what we want to show as our development path, we always show the physical equipment: hardware we are developing, current projects. Now we go more to the world of applications where a customer buying a hardware can have available for various types of service as the essence. For example, a team itself that is going to do the processing, can do the synchronization, can have the audio delay, different types of processes that adapt to the customer's need," he said.

He added: "To show that investment is no longer being tied to an iron that makes a process, but to an iron that can do multiple processes and with development in the future with the same equipment, I will be able to access these licenses."

On Evertz's solutions, Ponomariv detailed: "To show the availability of different solutions because the line is SDI that we have for many years and that still has its development and there are many customers who do not even think about starting with the transformation into IP, there are other customers who are going to have a hybrid change on a small scale, they will have 90% SDI and 10 in IP but there will be clients who have a project where everything has to be renewed have a good budget and want to go with IP and with a view to going to 10 or 15 years. Make a minimal investment in the hardware, the rest of the silver will be available for service."

- Publicidad -

"In Latin America we are doing very well. This year compared to the previous one there are more businesses and projects; I attribute this to the presidential elections that have already passed in several key countries and in general how the Latino market is rising after a period of being still," said the executive about the company's performance.

Text written by Vlad Martínez, special for TVyVideo+Radio.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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