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Blackmagic Ursa now records at 80 f/s

International. Blackmagic Design announced the release of Camera 1.9.9, a major update that includes several innovative features for the Company's Ursa digital cinematic camera. This new version was developed with the collaboration of world-class filmmakers who use this model to make high-end productions. 

Among the most advanced functionalities, the new menu stands out, which allows you to select different frame rates with a higher speed option for URSA models. That is, the filming cadence is increased to 80 frames per second, which in turn improves the capture of images in slow motion and the fluidity in the shots.

The frame rate setting on the URSA camera was modified, so that the setting selected for recording is not limited by the playback speed. As a result, users can choose the frame rate at which a project will be performed, for example 24 f/s for the shooting of a feature film, and then independently set the frame rate for recording with options from 5 to 80 f/s. 

- Publicidad -

When shooting at high frequencies for feature films or TV commercials, where image quality is crucial, this update offers a new 12-bit CinemaDNG RAW format compressed into a 3:1 ratio. This new feature allows you to record RAW files that take up a third of the space required by files of the same type without compression, thus providing double storage capacity on a CFast card of equal size. 

Also, this update provides the possibility of formatting CFast cards directly from the camera during recording, so that it is not necessary to resort to computer equipment for this purpose. 

On the other hand, this new update also incorporates multiple changes in the user interface, including a new options panel that allows you to select the function to format drives and modify other settings. The interface also has drop-down menus that offer the user the possibility of accessing a more extensive list of settings by simply swiping vertically on the touch screen, a feature of utmost importance for a camera with so many functions that the filmmaker can customize.

Among the innovative features of this version are the on-screen framing guides that allow a variety of aspect ratios common for feature films such as 2.35:1, 1.85:1, among others, to be displayed on the folding monitor. 

The update can be downloaded from the Blackmagic Design website.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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