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And now, who will be able to defend us?

Dear readers is a fact, I witnessed the crisis. I have just returned from visiting two exhibitions that in previous years were listed as the largest in the world in two industrial sectors different from the professional integration of audio and video, and to tell the truth the crisis is today a palpable reality in the United States.

But this time I do not pretend to be a messenger of bad news or discuss what you will surely have already heard in the media. The idea of this column is to reflect on a question: and now, who will be able to defend us? The questioning is due to the fact that resources are scarce, consumers are nervous and experts talk about medium- to long-term contingency plans.

But then, the big question is what should be the strategy to be applied to protect yourself in the best way and sustain yourself, because the slogan in the specialized technical world seems to be resist and you will win.

However, in meetings held with European, American and Latin American sales and marketing managers, I found that the most experienced agreed on one detail and that is the handling and delivery of timely information for their customers. I am not only talking about the typical service and support, which we have always mentioned as the differentiating factor, but I am referring more specifically to the need to report more aggressively on the solutions that a company is developing to meet this or that need in the market.

Usually, in times of crisis the first thing that is cut is marketing and this is a huge mistake; it is at this time when everyone is letting their guard down which represents a magnificent opportunity for those who take risks. Not for free, the most powerful firms on the planet, although they control their expenses, do not radically abandon their promotion program.

- Publicidad -

Thus, in this direction, there is an opportunity for those who do not want to make hasty decisions and cancel or deteriorate communication programs with their clientele. The network offers today countless possibilities to grow in the markets so take advantage of them, because there are no longer red chapulines that defend us.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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