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The Dangers of Price

Nothing has baffled me more in recent days than the new upward trend of the dollar. After the peak of the economic crisis in which we are, precisely when several banks announced bankruptcies and there were doubts about the approval of the economic rescue plan, the American currency began to climb on the Latin currencies and this in turn brought dire consequences related to the fall in the prices of several commodities, among them oil and copper.

But what really worries me is what this situation may bring to price-sensitive markets, such as Latin America, which was enjoying two phenomenal situations for the massification of technology: the low prices of the US currency and the availability of significant capital flows, product of the generous sales of raw materials. This macroeconomic nirvana led to the region becoming an attractive and dynamic market, because in the midst of the stillness of markets such as the United States and Europe, our countries began to demand more and better technology. The answer is clear, there were great products at the prices that Latinos could buy.

But now the situation has changed. It already seems that we will not have so much money and the dollar went up. This will be the "August" of those unserious manufacturers of low-quality technology, who do not have a well-defined support chain and who do not train the audio and video integrator/installer. I want to clarify that I do not mean Orientals in general. The big brands have emerged from this region, but have grown based on dedicated research and development work. I'm talking about ghost brands, of which unfortunately not much is known.

It is important then that we start thinking about certain details. Buying based on the lowest price is not the best strategy in times of crisis. Latin America is a market that is in frank growth and technological development, so it is not logical that we begin to fill it with toys of little durability. Let's not forget that a market is serious when those who make it up are precisely serious actors.

Until next time

- Publicidad -

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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