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Faced with higher video quality, production must evolve

Latin America. The increase in resolution in video devices, in addition to substantive changes in the cameras, requires an evolution in practically the entire chain of production of audiovisual content. Therefore, all devices, such as lighting, must adapt to the new demands, said Marco Brea, regional sales manager for Latin America at Vitec Group.

"We see a trend of replacing traditional, tube or incandescent lights with LED technology; but when we talk about high resolutions such as 4K and 8K, very high quality lights are required, because they are cameras that can detect even the slightest error in lighting. It is difficult to have a light of inferior quality that looks like one throughout the studio or that gives enough colors to reproduce the complexion of our characters in Latin America; on the other hand, this light does have the full spectrum in both LED and tungsten and has the ability to adapt to OTT productions, which are currently shown in Mexico, Colombia or Argentina. There is a trend towards panels, rather than fresnels for the production part and the new Gemini 1x1 expands on that," he said during his participation in NAB Show 2019.

This evolution includes other devices, such as batteries: "The new batteries have the current and energy to power these new panels; we are developing new plates to have two batteries to give more power to the light or durability."

He added: "All our teams are directed towards the broadcast area, the traditional thing that we have always seen our base market which are studios and mobile units and reporting, but we are also growing in the production of OTT content, all the new studios that are being developed in Latin America with energy, batteries and power system to power these large cameras, the cinema tripods for Sony's Venice cameras, ARRI, RED, and also with lighting to complete the cycle."

- Publicidad -

Text written by Vlad Martínez, special for TVyVideo+Radio.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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