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IFT receives recognition by the BIT

Mexico. The National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy, Coneval, awarded the Federal Institute of Telecommunications, IFT, the recognition "Good Practices in the Use of Monitoring and Evaluation Results in the Cycle of Public Policies 2017", for the creation and operation of the Telecommunications Information Bank, BIT.

Coneval annually recognizes those practices in the Federal Public Administration that reflect an additional effort to what the regulations establish, in terms of monitoring and evaluation actions in improving the design and implementation of programs and public policies. In this regard, its Executive Committee, composed of the academic advisors and the Executive Secretary, decided to give recognition to the Institute a few months after having put the BIT into operation.

The IFT made the BIT platform available to the public with the aim of disseminating and promoting the use of the information with which the Institute monitors and regulates the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in Mexico and thus contribute to: 
1) Generate knowledge about the performance of telecommunications and broadcasting in Mexico; 
2) Strengthen the decision-making of the different public and private actors involved in these sectors and,
3) Strengthen the design of public policies in these areas for the benefit of the entire population. 

Given this and given its relevance, originality, use of results and its management and implementation process, the Executive Committee of Coneval decided to recognize the IFT by the BIT.

- Publicidad -

The BIT is an interactive digital tool that incorporates the best international practices in transparency and open data, and in which it is possible, among other things, to consult, analyze, explore and download the information of Fixed Telecommunications, Mobile Telecommunications, Portability, income and investment of operators, as well as macroeconomic indicators of regulated sectors. In addition, it contains in PDF format analysis and other special studies prepared by the IFT in statistical matters.

It is considered that the BIT will allow better decision-making for commercial, investment and infrastructure deployment strategies by national and foreign companies in the sector, as well as to attract future investors, and given the disaggregation at the state and municipal level, federal agencies, or state and municipal governments will be able to exploit the information of the BIT for the design and development of policies that enhance the benefits of the reform. in Telecommunications.

The Bank also has a data download module and a graphical explorer to perform personalized queries, generate variables, carry out complex sectoral analyses, build indicator boards and graphically analyze time series. To navigate in it, it is not necessary to have any type of specific software or hardware, since only a computer equipment, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection is required. With this unprecedented tool at the international level, the IFT makes available to interested parties useful information for the knowledge and analysis of the sectors it regulates.

It is worth mentioning that the information available to the BIT is updated to the second quarter of 2017 and can be consulted and downloaded in the following link:

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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