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The Esperanto of digital video

The MXF format, developed by the Pro-MPEG Forum, allows the exchange of audiovisual materials, with their data and metadata, at any stage of their life cycle.

The increasingly strong existence of computer networks in video production architectures makes it essential to have standard file formats, which allow a quick and easy exchange of information between different equipment.

To solve this problem, the MXF (Material eXchange Format) was born. Its objective, as its name implies, is to allow the exchange of audiovisual materials, with their associated data and metadata, at any stage of their life cycle, whether capture, editing, distribution or storage. In this way, it improves file-based interoperability between servers, workstations, and other authoring or storage devices.

It was developed by the Pro-MPEG Forum, a consortium of users and manufacturers of the video industry of first level, among which are companies of the stature of Avid, Panasonic, Ikegami, Pinnacle Systems, Matrox, Sony or Telestream, among many others. This type of support has made it the most recognized international standard in its segment. Work began in 1999, when user requirements and the basic scheme for implementation were established. After five years, during NAB 2004, the SMPTE agreed to standardize it, which gave the format the "coup de grace" it needed to gain a foothold in the market with all its strength.

The MXF format is a derivative of the AAF (Advanced Authoring Format) data model, an open standard for multimedia authoring and post-production, which allows content creators to easily exchange digital media and metadata between different platforms and applications. This represents an improvement in the manageability of projects, saves time and, one of the most important aspects that MXF takes: it preserves metadata, which is usually lost during media transfer. In fact, the collaboration between Pro-MPEG and AAF Association throughout the MXF development process has been very close, so both formats are compatible and complementary.

- Publicidad -

It is important to clarify that MXF and AAF were designed to work together, but oriented to different applications. The first is a container format that carries files and their associated metadata. The second, instead, is a metadata format that focuses on the process of authoring content and can be used to describe complex concepts of the material, including effects information.

The benefits of exchange
MXF is then presented as a simple interchange format, in principle designed to facilitate the transfer of finished content between servers and tape streamers . Extended application has taken you, as mentioned, to all stages of the material lifecycle and to any pair of devices in a network environment.

The benefits of MXF can be seen, in particular, in non-linear workflows. The possibility that the different equipment of the IT infrastructure can interoperate without inconveniences or limitations of a technical nature, allows the post-production process to be flexible and dynamic. The efficiency that is achieved at work thanks to this exchange format would be unimaginable in the current technology scheme of the companies participating in the sector, which still involves proprietary technologies and diverse file formats.

Another advantage is given with the longevity of the materials. No matter what happens to the equipment they were created with, in the future the material itself will remain accessible.

Although MXF support does not guarantee interoperability, the truth is that it is the most palpable basis for it to become a reality. It is difficult to find today hardware or software tools from the main manufacturers in the world of video, which do not give some type of support to this format of exchange of audiovisual materials.

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