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Systems Integration

Whether you are about to invest a large sum of money in systems for radio, television, broadcasting, production, post-production or satellite, or are taking the first steps to advance the transition to the world of digital production, this investment along with your project can be at different levels of complexity.

From a simple upgrade or renewal of your existing resources to the creation of a large digital multimedia production center or the installation of a complete network or television channel require professional help and the best possible provider in the field of systems integration.

In a few steps

To do this, you require a partner with proven talent, excellent skills and enough experience to provide you with a system that precisely fits your requirements. Review the following before making a decision:

  1. It is necessary to have a company that develops its own products and that also represents internationally recognized manufacturers of equipment, systems and accessories.
  2. An integration company that has an excellent group of engineers and qualified professionals. Not a company that has only engineers. Professionals from other areas are also needed.
  3. It is essential to have the services of Consulting and Project Management.
  4. The areas of architectural design and engineering systems are fundamental.
  5. It is important to know the information about the technical specifications of the equipment, the form of acquisition and the maintenance programs.
  6. Support and training are two very significant variables when making a decision.
  7. Likewise, it is essential to be aware of the processes of financial planning and management of economic resources.
  8. This company that you will become your partner must offer the levels of assistance you need.
  9. The stability of a great company and the experience over time offer some guarantees. For example, exceptional technical training, suppliers with unparalleled knowledge of current and new technologies, traditional presence in the industry, among others.
  10. It is a good idea to consider these additional values: Innovation, integrity, care, trust and commitment.


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System Design

Every systems integration project for the television industry must consider at least the following fundamentals during the design, planning, and execution processes.

A system of this kind must contemplate at its design stage the best proportion in the cost-benefit ratio in the long term. In each particular case, the group of integrators should strive to develop designs that incorporate the best equipment and accessories available on the market taking into account constantly, the obligations and limits established by the budgets. However, the ultimate goal will always be the economy.

It is not about having the highest cost equipment and systems but the most appropriate for the type of project that is being advanced. When the initial cost is considered against factors such as reliability among others, the highest possible cost-benefit is obtained.

On the other hand, it is an essential aspect in the design and integration of systems to think about the future. A system must be designed for the future. Anticipating the technological developments of the industry is imperative to permanently have the latest advances in equipment and systems.

The system must be designed under the logic of the "user friendly". It is true that technology gives some parts of the system a high degree of complexity. However, this does not necessarily mean that the entire system must be so complex that all operators and users of it require an intense and prolonged training program to be able to use it. The idea of incorporating state-of-the-art systems and equipment is to simplify operations and reduce work requirements.

Finally, the system must be designed with as much flexibility as possible. With the advent of digital technology, automated machine control and operation systems and high-level connectivity systems make it possible to create wide possibilities for sharing system resources. This eliminates duplicate operations and a series of associated costs that require more time and surely other additional resources.

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A final step within this process could well be the application of a good evaluation system of the final project to know the results in detail. This means that in this way it is possible to know the fulfillment of the scheduled tasks, the real costs that it represented in each item, the variations with respect to the original project and the quality of the execution of the project both in the good administration of the resources and of the systems that have been integrated with a specific purpose.


The companies dedicated to the integration of systems cover different alternatives in the execution of projects for the design and assembly of facilities dedicated to audiovisual production.

The services and capabilities offered by these companies are:

Microwave systems

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Contracts for system maintenance

Installation of satellite ground stations

Post-production rooms

Corporate Communication Centers

Automation systems

Webcasting systems

Technical Consulting Services

Specification of equipment and systems

Budget projections

Project monitoring and management

Architectural and interior space planning

VHF and UHF television broadcast stations

Television channel operation centers

Installation Services

Production and liaison stations

Mobile units

Repair Services

Switching systems for channels and networks

Design and engineering

Project development

Financial planning

Team Achievement

Pre-construction off-site project site

Television studios and control rooms

Automated lighting systems for studios

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