How do women see themselves in media?
We present the results of studies of different regulatory bodies in Latin America on the presence of women in radio and television.
Richard Santa
We present the results of studies of different regulatory bodies in Latin America on the presence of women in radio and television.
Richard Santa
As I have repeated on more than one occasion, the magic of streaming technologies bases its essence on only one thing: its ability to turn towards real-time interactivity.
Juan Pablo Morales*
TVyVideo was able to know first-hand the EduMóvil project of Teleantioquia in the municipality of Caucasia. Undoubtedly, it is a great experience to bring audiovisual technology and the public to the regions.
Richard Santa
We present some of the results of the study on the penetration and consumption of OTT for radio and TV in Colombia, carried out by the country's regulator for 2021.
Why isn't UHDTV really part of the production infrastructure yet?
Carlos Pantsios*