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AEQ Intercom systems were used at Gamergy Mexico 2024

Sistemas Intercom AEQ fueron usados en el Gamergy México 2024

Mexico. Last August 2024, the third edition of the Gamergy event was held in CDMX (Expo Santa Fé Mexico). An event designed for all fans of video games and the online world. The Mexican market is one of the most important worldwide for online video games and therefore, the attendance at the three days of the event was more than 87 thousand people.

The areas of the event were differentiated by the viewing section and the booths and games section. In the viewing area, you could attend tournaments and finals of video games such as League of Legends, Rocket League and Call of Duty, among others. On the other hand, the booth area was marked by numerous brands that gave information and allowed you to try some demos or interactive dynamics.

The organization of the event had an Intercom Crossnet 72, TP8000 panels in Dante and for technicians and personnel on the move, on set and other areas, they were equipped with XPLORER beltpacks that, thanks to their great autonomy of up to 20 hours, allow chaining recordings with live performances without having to recharge the battery. In addition, Crossnet 72 allowed the integration of 4-wire sources to interconnect CCU units and audio consoles.

The Secuoya Group, a leading group in the creation, production and distribution of audiovisual content, has trusted AEQ since 2020 to carry out large projects such as Gamergy.

- Publicidad -

AEQ Intercom systems enter a world of possibilities being able to make configurations, crosspoints, send and receive Dante signals both from the mixers and from other equipment that is within the system.

The use of IP technology throughout the assembly simplified wiring tasks, minimized the previous installation hours, and allowed to offer great versatility in the operation, with countless changes in real time to adapt to a production as agile and dynamic as the live broadcast of video game games requires.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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