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Andicom closed with reflections on the future of AI and robotics

Andicom cerró con reflexiones sobre el futuro de IA y robótica

Colombia. Manuel Martínez Niño, Executive President of CINTEL, bid farewell to ANDICOM 2024, announcing a great celebration with many surprises for the 40th version of ANDICOM, the most important technological and business congress in Colombia and Latin America.

"We have experienced an incredible technological update and networking these days, we are waiting for you next year to celebrate our 40 years in a big way, we want everyone to participate and give us ideas to achieve it. Thank you very much to all the businessmen, speakers, attendees and government entities that accompanied us," he said.

After three days full of innovation, technology and networking, the 39th version of ANDICOM, the most important technological and business congress in Colombia and Latin America, comes to an end.

There were 3 days where cross-cutting issues were touched on the acceleration of the economy and the development of society, driven by technological advances. ANDICOM 2024 was the stage that brought together nearly 6,600 members of the ICT ecosystem of Colombia and the Region.

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This year, the conversations revolved around the applications of generative AI in various sectors, Smart Cities, Blockchain, Connectivity, 5G, robotics, challenges for the telecommunications sector, policy and regulation and much more, focused on its impact on the transformation and generation of new business models and the benefits in everyday life and the closing of the social gap.

The Las Americas Convention Center in Cartagena de Indias witnessed more than 80 academic sessions and multiple networking opportunities at the trade show of more than 200 companies and the Meet & Business sessions and business roundtables attended by more than 2,000 national and international entrepreneurs.

The closing day began with the panel: "Economic Transformation through the Effective Application of Artificial Intelligence", in which Giorgio Solari, Commercial Vice President Latam of Equinix; Alejandro Pinzón, CEO of DRUO; and Sergio González, Member of the Board of Directors of Colsanitas and Sanitas Foundation with the moderation of Giovani Celis Sarmiento, Director of Red Más Noticias. Some of the conclusions of this debate were that the financial sector is one of the most benefited by AI in the most agile verification processes; the main challenges for companies are the "expenses" of investment in technology, the architecture of efficient models, data regulation and sovereignty and the appropriation of AI; and the importance of the development of soft skills in terms of creativity, innovation, adaptation, ethics to favor the adoption of new tools, which will result in greater agility in decision-making and therefore generate new business models.

In the following panel: Towards an innovative Colombia: The transformative role of technology and innovation districts in business development, made up of Verónica Ramírez, director of operations of Smart City Cluster; Jhonatan Ardila, Vice President of Technology of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; Ana Karina Quessep, Executive Director of BPRO and Ximena Duque, Executive President of FEDESOF, discussed the opportunity that science and technology laboratories represent to accelerate the ICT ecosystems of Colombian cities, the need to identify and train the talents that are required in new business models, competitiveness and cooperation in the industry.

Also on the closing day were the speakers Javier Ortiz, President of NEC Colombia and Andra Keay, General Director of Silicon Valley Robotics. Ortiz presented From Japan to Latin America: ICT Innovation and creation of social value With NEC for the digital future, showing the history of technological evolution in Japan and how they generate value in society with their telecommunications projects in the Region

Robots and Humans: making a better future was the lecture given by Andra Keay, who explained that the most important thing about robots are humans and their relationship. "Robots are a reflection of our hopes and fears, we can create robots similar to us, but they are not. It may be the future, but it is already here and how to use it despite the fact that it is a scarce resource, that is the problem," said the robotics expert while inviting people to use technology for business and in daily life.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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