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On its centenary, La Vorágine will be a series on public TV

En su centenario, La Vorágine será serie en TV pública

Colombia. The cultural and geographical diversity of Colombia, embodied in one of its most important literary works, will reach the world's screens, with a production of the highest quality.

Celebrating its hundredth anniversary, La Vorágine, written by José Eustasio Rivera, will be adapted by the country's regional channels, to contribute to the strengthening of the regional audiovisual industry and public television, generating employment and promoting the local economy.

"I am very happy to announce to the country this high-quality production, which will have an investment of $10,000 million from the Ministry of ICT through the eight regional channels, led by Telecafé. We are going to produce this great work, one of the most important of the last century, with its unforgettable love story in the rubber bands. With this we want to join the celebration of its centenary, and help new generations and the whole world to know it, because we aim for it to reach international platforms and everyone can know it. We want large productions not only to be from the private sector, we have a lot of local talent and it is a great idea that we built with all the managers of the regional channels," said the ICT minister, Mauricio Lizcano during the launch of the production.

La Vorágine narrates the journey and misadventures of Arturo Cova through the Eastern Plains and the Amazon jungle, in the midst of a story of love, passion and revenge, during the rubber fever of the beginning of the last century. The series, which will have eight 45-minute episodes and two 24-minute specials, is designed to be competitive nationally and internationally, and attractive for streaming platforms. Its cast is made up of actors Juan Pablo Urrego, Nicole Santamaría, Laura Junco, Viviana Serna, Ricardo Henao and Tatiana Ariza.

- Publicidad -

The manager of Telecafé, Amanda Jaimes, highlighted the planning that was carried out among the regional channels to plan, choose and develop which work would be appropriate for this project: "The Telecafé family is celebrating with the adaptation of La Vorágine on its centenary, and within the framework of the channel's 32 years. Since March, when the Minister spoke of a product made by public television, we began all the channels, in a disciplined way, to analyze this project well, because we want to work hand in hand and disseminate through the eight channels a product that, we are sure, will reach the big screens and will have many awards," he said.

The project will begin in 2025, and is led by Telecafé in conjunction with the eight regional public channels in Colombia. It has an investment of $10,000 million from the Ministry of ICT for its production, reinforcing the Government's commitment to strengthening the Regional Audiovisual Industry, generating significant economic and cultural impact in the territories.

The La Vorágine series brings together the country's regional channels to create internationally competitive content, reflecting the natural and literary wealth of Colombia. It will also be an opportunity to celebrate the centennial of a masterpiece of Colombian literature, with the aim of preserving and promoting national culture, and ratifying that the ICT Ministry is also television.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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