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Avicom and Enensys promote TV 3.0 in Brazil

Avicom y Enensys impulsan la TV 3.0 en Brasil

Brazil. Avicom and its strategic partner Enensys Technologies, announced the availability of a complete set of solutions to implement TV 3.0.

By recommending the adoption of the ATSC 3.0 standard in the physical layer used in TV 3.0, the Brazilian Digital Television System Forum (SBTVD) initiated a new chapter in the history of television in the country. With significant evolutions in relation to TVs 2.0 and 2.5, the new generation will also incorporate advanced encoding techniques and support for UHD content, as well as more complex interactive services and targeted advertising, driving new revenue streams.

These opportunities align with ENENSYS Technologies' extensive experience in implementing projects in Europe, with the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) standard in the last 8 years; in South Korea, with the ATSC 3.0 standard during the 2018 Winter Olympics; as well as in the United States, with NextGenTV (as ATSC 3.0 is also known) in the last 5 years, in more than 30 TV stations.

"ENENSYS Technologies' portfolio broadly covers the demands of broadcasters with TV 3.0. Together, we are ready to create networks, including SFN management, content generation, distribution and signaling," highlights Jaime Ferreira, Managing Director of AVICOM ENGENHARIA. "Our offering still includes support for resources such as VOD, interactive apps, emergency alerts, targeted TV and quality assurance monitoring. We can also highlight the video modulator and IP switcher, for automatic redundancy 1+1".

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"ENENSYS Technologies' strategy for the Brazilian market involves the use of the MediaCast ATSC 3.0 Route Server and the Broadcast Gateway (SmartGate ATSC 3.0), which are 100% compatible with the TV 3.0 standard, including the physical layer," says Bruno Tariant, VP of Sales at ENENSYS. "ENENSYS Technologies' experience with the NextGenTV market will guide TV broadcasters in the rapid adoption of the new standard, with a good cost/quality ratio."

Among the most anticipated advancements in TV 3.0 are dynamic ad insertion and interactive advertising. "On the one hand, broadcasters will be able to transmit segmented ads, with real-time updates. On the other hand, viewers will participate in interactive and personalized advertising experiences, similar to online content," explains Jaime Ferreira. "ENENSYS Technologies' track record of success in implementing ATSC 3.0, including exclusive resources in these two areas, are guarantees that Brazilian broadcasters will be able to enjoy the advantages of TV 3.0 in the short term."

"AVICOM ENGENHARIA is a reference and its high knowledge of the broadcast market in Brazil is an undeniable asset compared to our competitors," celebrates Bruno Tariant. "This alliance is fundamental, as AVICOM will provide local installation, support and training services for ENENSYS' TV 3.0 products in Brazil, including special prices for the entire solution sold in the Brazilian market."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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