Colombia. The CRC presented a new analysis of the information on programming schedules, institutional spaces, PQRS and origin of open television programming in Colombia during the second half of 2023. The analysis includes national, national, private, regional and local public channels.
Regarding the distribution of programming, the report reveals that most of the programming broadcast by open television channels in Colombia during the second half of 2023 was family-friendly, reaching 80.8%, a percentage that shows the focus of the channels on the production and broadcast of content suitable for the whole family. For its part, children's programming constituted 7.4%, adult programming represented 5.2% and content for adolescents 6.6%.
Among the open television channels, local channels were the ones that presented the largest amount of family programming, with 86.2% of their schedule dedicated to this type of content. Private national channels also showed a high percentage of family programming, with 81.9%.
Children's programming was more prominent on national public channels, which dedicated 20.5% of their schedule to this type of content. Regional channels also showed a considerable focus on children's programming, at 8.9%.
In terms of adult programming, regional channels led with 8.2%, followed by private national channels with 7.8%, while regional channels were the ones that devoted the most attention to programming aimed at teenagers, with 7.2%, followed by local channels with 4.9%.
The average daily hours of children's programming varied between the different types of channels. From Monday to Friday, national public channels broadcast an average of 5.1 hours of children's programming per day, regional channels 4.4 hours, national private channels 2.0 hours and local channels 1.3 hours. During weekends, children's programming exceeded 5 hours per day on regional and national channels (public and private), while local channels maintained an average of 2.1 hours.
A significant aspect of the report is the commitment to accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing population and in this sense the results allowed us to conclude that national public and private channels led in the broadcast of programming with some access mechanism with 90%. In contrast, local channels presented the lowest percentage with 42%. Closed Captioning continues to be the main access mechanism, being used in 88% of the programmes on national public channels, 91% of national private channels, 49% of regional channels and 42% of local channels.
Regarding the complaints and claims filed by viewers during the second half of 2023, the main theme of the PQRS was "programming", with 45.4%, as well as the reduction of the PQRS related to information pluralism, which decreased from 10.1% to 3.8%.
The analysis also revealed that 78.6% of the institutional spaces were concentrated on the broadcast of the content of the entities that requested the space before the CRC, while 20.1% were allocated to spaces defined by regulation, such as the Consumer Bulletin, the Space of the Minuto de Dios, the ICBF and political parties. On average, open television channels in Colombia broadcast 264.6 hours per month of institutional spaces.
Finally, the report highlights that content of national origin constituted 78.2% of the programming broadcast during the second half of 2023, with a decrease of 1.8 percentage points compared to the first half of 2023. Regional channels led with 91% of content of national origin, followed by local channels with 76%, private national with 75% and national public with 71%.
"The analysis presented shows the work that open television channels have been carrying out to offer diverse and accessible content. For the Commission, the prominence of family programming, the focus on children's programming and the effort to continue guaranteeing accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing population is another great step to continue evolving towards a more inclusive and plural television. From the Session of the Audiovisual Content Commission we will continue working to ensure the quality and diversity of television programming in the country," explained Mauricio Vera Sánchez, Commissioner of Audiovisual Content of the CRC.
For the full analysis, click here.
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