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Brainstorm and SNEWS strengthen their partnership

Brainstorm y SNEWS refuerzan su partnership

Latin America. Brainstorm and SNEWS are strengthening the collaboration between the two companies to go beyond news systems. This enhanced collaboration expands on Neuron's support for SNEWS' Arion system, using HTML5, and now integrates Brainstorm's Aston 2D graphics suite.

Aston 2D provides all the power and capabilities of Aston tailored to a two-dimensional environment, and in a more affordable format, allowing designers to create typical news, CG and title graphics without the need to access more advanced environments. With Aston 2D, designers have all the Aston tools at their disposal, plus StormLogic's intuitive animation and template management, but not including 3D-specific ones. That way they don't have to worry about elements like lights or scenes, which simplifies and speeds up the creation of 2D graphics.

According to Borja Chirivella, Director of Sales and Channel Management at Brainstorm, "the excellent collaboration and willingness to develop joint solutions that we have seen with SNEWS has led to the integration of Neuron with its NRCS Arion in record time, achieving a solution that customers appreciate for its power and versatility. Now, integrating Aston 2D into this workflow allows the joint solution of Brainstorm and SNEWS to be much more powerful, providing more tools and greater flexibility to customers."

"The partnership between SNEWS and Brainstorm represents a significant step forward for our customers. The integration of Aston 2D with the Arion NRCS allows us to offer a 2D graphics solution that is not only powerful and versatile, but also efficient and easy to use. We are excited about the possibilities that this collaboration brings to the broadcasting market," said Rodrigo Brasiel, CEO of SNEWS.

- Publicidad -

Brainstorm and SNEWS announced at NAB 2024 the start of their collaboration, whereby Brainstorm's news system Neuron was opened to HTML5 allowing compatibility with the SNEWS Arion system. Aston's inclusion in this partnership provides a much more powerful and versatile environment for all types of customers, not just in news environments, but in any type of program.

Both companies will show a preview of this integration at the next SET Expo 2024 fair in São Paulo, where you can also see all the new Brainstorm products for graphics and virtual production.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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