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Learn how AI impacts the broadcast industry at IntegraTec

Conozca cómo la IA impacta a la industria broadcast en IntegraTec

Mexico. Within the framework of IntegraTec Mexico, an expo and congress for the integration of convergent technologies that includes broadcast, professional AV, security, automation and lighting, the impact of artificial intelligence in the broadcast industry will be the protagonist of the academic program.

The academic conference for the broadcast sector will take place on August 15. It begins with the panel: Artificial Intelligence in the broadcast industry, in which Amilcar Zozaya, from Muninn Consulting, will be the moderator and Alejandro Aguilar from Grupo Fórmula, Humberto González and Guillermo Dávila, also from Muninn Consulting, will share the panel.

They will explore the trends, workflow improvements and ethical possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in the broadcast industry in Latin America.

The day will continue with the presentation Integration of AI in audiovisual production, by Gonzalo Gamio from Sony, and another presentation on Digital Transformation in Broadcast and A/V Pro: The Era of Software and AI, which will be given by Alejandro Rincón and Óscar Serrato from the company Excelencia.

- Publicidad -

In addition to artificial intelligence topics, the academic room on broadcast of IntegraTec Mexico, will feature the presentation: Recommendations on microphones for content creation, in which Rubén Álvarez from Shure, will give the answers to the following questions: What is the relationship between the microphone, its way of use and the acoustic environment? Which is better, a wired microphone or a wireless microphone? Why are my recordings too low or too saturated? Why should I invest in a good microphone for content creation?

And the day will end with the presence of Amet Novillo, president of MEXDC, who will give the presentation Data Centers, Opportunities and Perspectives for System Integrators in Mexico, in which he will explain how Data Centers represent a fundamental pillar for the economy. Investment in these essential infrastructures not only generates both direct and indirect jobs, but also stimulates demand for digital and related services, including energy supply and construction activities, as well as attracting capital from related industries.

IntegraTec Mexico will be held on August 14 and 15 at the World Trade Center in Mexico City, and is carried out by the magazines TVyVideo+Radio, AVI Latin America, Ventas de Seguridad and its publishing house Latin Press.

You can find out the complete academic agenda and all the details of the fair in

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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