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Adexus Peru changes its name to BVS Peru

Adexus Perú cambia su nombre a BVS Perú

Peru. Adexus Peru, with almost three decades of experience in the industry and a clear benchmark in technological solutions in the country, was acquired in 2022 by the Argentine company BVS Knowledge and Technology.

After almost two years of acquisition and during an event held on the occasion of the inauguration of its new offices in the country, designed with a modern concept and with the constant search to offer the best portfolio of solutions, the change of its corporate identity to be renamed BVS Peru was officially announced. this new step taken being not only a rebranding, but a new era of innovation and constant growth.

This could be seen in the concept of the event entitled: "More than a Change, An Evolution", where BVS continues with the idea of continuing to expand its regional integration process, expanding work teams, professionals, expanding its interference in more industries and markets as one of the leading technology providers in the region.

Referring to this idea, Facundo Favelukes, CEO of BVS said: "We are clear that our idea is to continue growing in the region, and maintaining our vision for the future, we have a plan and strategies to seek to double our results in the coming years, where this step carried out with BVS Peru to our regional operation is an important piece of this expansion plan. allowing us to offer even more value to our customers, partners and collaborators with our innovative and technological solutions".

- Publicidad -

Adexus Perú cambia su nombre a BVS PerúFor her part, María Jesús Urdanivia, Country Director of BVS Peru concluded: "This step we have taken not only implies having a new corporate identity but also a series of transformations in our company. Since we joined BVS, undoubtedly the technology company with the greatest projection in the region, we have been working committedly on an integration process based on synergy, enhancing our talent and expanding our capabilities, so today it is important to have these new offices specially designed to develop knowledge and always teamwork. VHL Peru today promotes a future full of opportunities, with the enhancement of both our technical and financial capabilities."

BVS has more than 400 employees and offices in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay and the United States, thus achieving a significant expansion made during its last decade in Latin America.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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