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Panasonic to unveil Lumix series in Brazil

Panasonic presentará la serie Lumix en Brasil

Brazil. On August 8, Panasonic will launch its new Lumix S5IIx camera in Brazil. The face-to-face event will take place at 5 p.m. at the facilities of the Cinemateca Brasileira, Largo Senador Raul Cardoso, 207 Vila Clementino, São Paulo, SP.

This exclusive meeting is part of Panasonic's strategy to bring to Latin America the new Lumix S5IIx camera, suitable and versatile to meet the needs of audiovisual producers, content creators, streamers, stage and film directors.

The event will feature the special presence of Thiago Cauduro, who will share exclusive knowledge on audiovisual production, demonstrating the innovative features and capabilities of the Lumix S5II and S5IIx cameras.

"Although it is not the first event in Brazil where we will present the Lumix camera, because we have already done so at the Merlin Road Show in Fortaleza, it will be its launch at an exclusive Panasonic event," explained Rodrigo Costa, Sales Manager of Panasonic do Brazil. "It will be an important event where the main idea is that Thiago Cauduro can share his experience with the other guests about how his experience was with the use of the Lumix in production and content creation. We are interested in sharing their feedback on the use of the camera and its reliability with all those attending the event," he detailed.

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The executive also highlighted the choice of the Cinematheque as the venue chosen for the presentation. "It is a very good space and we are very happy to hold this first event in São Paulo, where we will be accompanied by all our Brazilian partners. It is a type of event that we will replicate throughout Latin America, adapting the size and format of each presentation," he said.

For his part, Edson Marion, CEO of Merlin Distributor said: "We have great expectations with this work that we are developing with Lumix throughout the region, and our idea is that events like these will be replicated throughout Latin America, with the intention of expanding the Panasonic products and brand as much as possible, as we have been doing year after year. In this case, it will be an incredible event at S5IIx, where several hundred professionals from the audiovisual industry in Brazil are expected to come and see Thiago and the wonders that can be done with the new S5IIx camera in action."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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