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New offer for content delivery in Latam

entrega de contenido en Latam

Latin America. Cirion Technologies and Qwilt partnered to expand Qwilt's global ecosystem of service providers to provide a more efficient and scalable content delivery network in Latin America.

This partnership means live streaming, video-on-demand (VoD) and all other forms of higher quality media delivery to more than 600 million consumers throughout Latin America.

The exponential growth of mobile users, IoT devices, and cloud applications globally creates new demands on service provider networks. By combining with Qwilt's end-to-end global delivery network, Cirion ensures that content reaches subscribers in superior quality, enhancing digital experiences across the region while enabling content and app publishers around the world to deliver locally to their viewers, wherever they are. Qwilt's powerful solution, deeply integrated into the network infrastructure, enables service providers to efficiently optimize and scale their networks while continuously delivering great digital experiences.

"Data consumption and internet traffic are increasing rapidly in Latin America and content providers need delivery services that are efficient in light of increasing competition for internet bandwidth. With this agreement, Cirion and Qwilt's combined CDN offerings are strengthened, meeting the needs of CDN customers," said Alejandro Girardotti, Senior Director of Products, Innovation and Strategic Alliances at Cirion Technologies.

- Publicidad -

Cirion's content delivery network enables the delivery of reliable content to users throughout Latin America. Many of the world's leading e-commerce and media sites rely on its programmable edge and proven customer service to grow their businesses. This new partnership, based on Qwilt's Open Caching technology, allows Cirion to grow rapidly as market demand increases. It substantially increases Cirion's ability to reliably deliver high-quality live streaming and VoD across the region and becomes one of the largest low-latency CDN service providers in Latin America.

As a leading provider of digital infrastructure and technology, Cirion has more than 50,000 kilometers of long-range and metropolitan terrestrial fiber optics, 36,000 kilometers of submarine cables and 18 landing stations, allowing it to operate with scalable networks capable of adapting to the increase in connected users. without affecting your QoE.

"Our infrastructure adapts dynamically and in real time to market demands, enabling efficient management of critical applications and their data. This allows companies to identify market trends early and respond quickly, with solutions that stimulate future growth," says Girardotti.

"Cirion is an exciting addition to our global ecosystem of service providers and we are thrilled to help drive a unique content delivery service offering in Latin America," said Alon Maor, CEO of Qwilt. "Our end-to-end architecture provides a new economic model for streaming delivery, in which Cirion's network infrastructure and CDN services play a central role in the end-to-end value chain. This announcement underscores the momentum we are gaining as we realize our ambition to build the world's highest-performing edge delivery network."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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