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CALA Awards Best Audiovisual Piece will deliver technical kit

Cala Awards

Colombia. In the world of audiovisual production, talent and creativity never cease to amaze us. Each year, the CALA Awards recognizes the genius behind the most outstanding audiovisual pieces of universities.

This year, the CALA Awards is proud to bestow the highest honor on a creative team with the work best rated by TVyVideo+Radio readers and the industry at large. The winner of the CALA Awards for Best University Audiovisual Piece 2023 is a true testament to the innovation and passion that drives young talent in their pursuit of excellence.

It is worth noting that the creative team of this exceptional piece will receive a plaque of recognition to commemorate their outstanding achievement and serve as a reminder of their dedication to high-quality audiovisual storytelling.

Additionally, they will have the opportunity to participate in the article of the TVyVideo+Radio Magazine. It should be noted that the magazine is a leader in the industry, for this reason a featured article will be dedicated to highlight the profile of the winner or winners, as well as their winning work. This article will serve as a platform to showcase your talent to a wider audience, including industry professionals and potential contributors.

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State-of-the-art technology kit
cala awards premiosAmong the technological equipment that will be granted, are the Litepanels Luminaires, courtesy of Vidiexco, it is important to note that these luminaires are an essential addition to any production team. They offer high-quality lighting that enhances the visual quality of any audiovisual project, allowing the winners to achieve even greater levels of creativity.

In addition to all of the above you can receive an E-Image Tripod courtesy of Pinnacle, this equipment is reliable and resistant. The E-Image tripod provides stability and flexibility for shooting high-impact scenes.

Video Camera courtesy of SONY: The SONY Video Camera is a powerful tool that will allow winners to bring their future projects to life with exceptional image quality.

According to the CALA Awards team, "the impact of receiving the CALA Awards for Best University Audiovisual Piece is significant for both creators and the industry in general. In addition to providing recognition and visibility to talented young filmmakers and content creators, this award fosters innovation and excellence in the audiovisual industry."

It serves as a springboard for future collaboration and funding opportunities, as well as inspiring the next generation of filmmakers to strive for new levels of creativity and visual storytelling.

The CALA Awards 2023 continues to encourage young talents to follow their passions and bring their unique voice to the world of film and television.

The winner will be announced within the framework of IntegraTec Colombia on October 26.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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