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UCR stations renew their automation

Emisoras de la UCR

Costa Rica. The University of Costa Rica, also called by its acronym, UCR, is one of the five state universities of the Republic of Costa Rica, being considered one of the most prestigious and recognized in Latin America and the best university in Central America and the Caribbean.

Its main campus, the Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, is located in Montes de Oca, about 3km from the center of the country's capital, San José.

The Radio Stations of the University of Costa Rica promote the free expression of ideas through diverse, creative and quality programming. The three university broadcasters are dedicated to the dissemination of artistic, educational content and analysis of local and international politics.

They currently have 3 frequencies:
-Radio Universidad 96.7FM
-Radio U 101.9 FM
-Radio UCR 870AM

- Publicidad -

The University of Costa Rica (UCR) decided to renew its AEQ Mar4Suite Pro automation system in use for many years, by the current AudioPlus system. The Project has been developed gradually over the last few years.

For each frequency a broadcast license and a production license have been installed, giving a total of 3 Playout licenses and 3 Planner licenses.

The versatility of AudioPlus licenses allows any programmer of any station to make contributions to different frequencies. If required, the emission stations can also be versatile by being able to integrate on the same computer two or more players that can be diversified at different frequencies.

The most important advantages of migrating from Mar4Suite Pro to AudioPlus are:
-Centralized server in the university farm.
-Integration of university network units in AudioPlus for mass import/export of audios.
-Cataloguing your sound library by any filter that is required.
-Semi-automated audio imports and standardizations.
-Safe mode: AudioPlus is capable of casting whatever it has loaded in cache without having to depend on a server. In this way, full days or weeks can be automated without the need for connection to a central server.
-Low investment in hardware: Audioplus accepts any audio card on the market, whether professional, semi-professional or low cost. UCR reused cards it used in other applications so as not to lose that investment.
-Comprehensive migration of audios and metadata. No audio was lost in the migration process.

In 2022, the Project was completed with the installation of two new licenses, the migration of its Database and Audio server to a more current one, without the need to stop the broadcast due to the integration of the secure mode, and a 2-day training was given to the new staff to explain the main characteristics of the system.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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