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Colombia the great protagonist in the TAL Awards

Premos TAL 2022

Latin America. The TAL Awards, which recognize the quality of public television productions in Latin America and whose ceremony took place on November 17, had as its main protagonist Colombia, a country that took 16 of the 31 categories.

This recognition, organized by the TAL network (Televisión América Latina), also commemorated the first ten years of this award and had Medellín as the host city.

Natalia Crimen y Castigo

The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia (MinTiC) shared the information of this achievement, of which he stressed that the award-winning production in Fiction Series was "Natalia crime and punishment", a project that was also the winner of the audiovisual calls of this ministry.

- Publicidad -

The story of Natalia Crime and Punishment focuses on the lives of two women with the same name, one is the victim of an acid attack and another daughter of a fatal victim of this same type of assault, both in search of justice in a country where in its legal scenario this fault is constituted as a crime that can be released.

Other details of the TAL Awards
The annual gala of the TAL Network is focused on recognizing the best of audiovisual productions, from the perspective in which they contribute with quality and content to the construction of a cultural and educational television. In this sense, the 16 awards that Colombia received ratify a leadership position regarding the production of its public television in the region.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the cañal signal Colombia was the most awarded of all, achieving recognition in 5 categories: Unitary Documentary, Children's Program, Children's Microprogram, Educational Content and Grand Prize Latin America. With the productions: Entre fuego y agua, Zander, Dos Pajaritos, again Zander and Secreto Ancestral, respectively.

Zander Producción de Señal Colombia

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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