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Teletica transforms recording studios


Teletica produces a large number of live programs. This type of programming requires robust wireless audio systems, as dozens of microphones are used at the same time.


Television requires many skills for magic to reach each of the homes through the screens, and teletica are experts in achieving it. It has been 63 years bringing entertainment and information to families in Costa Rica and, of course, it is many years transforming and evolving their audio systems with Shure, so that production is always at the highest level.

Today, the channel has five recording studios, three additional channels that are part of the television group and a variety of live programs that require the best in audio and video equipment to increase the audience. Likewise, Teletica has the most advanced Shure technology so that everything works smoothly and so that the tranquility of the technical team is part of the productions.

- Publicidad -

Manri Vargas, Head of Sound at Teletica and a specialist in the world of audio with more than 30 years of experience, comments on how the Axient Digital system literally transformed his work. "We are very pleased to have shure equipment, and the Axient Digital has been a tool that has helped us a lot to improve the quality of the sound, as well as the microphones and headbands, among other equipment with which we have been working for several years."

In Teletica about 98% of the audio systems, as well as the microphone equipment, belong to the brand. "In recent years we have been implementing more solutions and updating technology. We have all kinds of systems, as well as the Axient Digital, a robust equipment that allows us to use smaller frequency ranges, and that helps us a lot with the elimination of interference. In addition, the integration of Axient Digital and ULX-D with the Dante network has been very important. It has given us more color and quality to the sound," adds Vargas.

shurePeace of Mind for Live Programming
Teletica produces a large number of live programs, in which Shure's solutions have been very valuable. This type of programming requires robust wireless audio systems, as dozens of microphones are used at the same time for all the artists who are on stage and there is no room for error.

Manri says Shure teams have made this job 90% easier. "The control we have with the monitoring system directly on the console, gives me a lot of peace of mind. Knowing if we have to change a battery without being in front of seeing the rack, eliminates the risk factor." And it is that broadcasting a live program for three hours or more requires a robust infrastructure and a clear, quality sound and, as the head of sound says: "you can not cut to solve a problem and your wireless equipment has to work without failures. With Axient Digital and the PSM1000 transmitters, as well as Twinplex and ULX-D I feel at ease. All working in the same system."

This facility is also indispensable in remote transmissions or in the open field. "We do live events with remote units and in those works we include several systems without problems. The important thing is that journalists and talents feel comfortable and can do a scan (tour of the stage) without setbacks. We have up to five forums working at the same time, without any interference."

Teletica's programming runs from five in the morning to 12 p.m. with multiple live broadcasts. They are also responsible for other channels that use the same recording studios, including the sports TD+ and TD+2, as well as XperTV and since 2020, through FUTV, they broadcast the first division of Costa Rican Football live.

"When it comes to Shure microphones, we use up to 60 channels in our daily programming, not counting the use of In-ear that can raise that figure to more than 80 channels of daily audio transmission without interference."

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To conclude, Manri Vargas emphasized the quality of Shure products and the ease of use in each new solution. He stressed that Axient Digital has really been an acquisition of value for the company, so much so that today they are the channel with the most Shure equipment in Costa Rica and, for this year, they estimate to buy a couple more.

"Sound is not important until it fails. With Axient Digital those concerns no longer exist." Finally, Vargas reinforces the commitment to viewers, "the public needs to have the best quality in audio and video in the transmissions. Teletica has to deliver the best as it always has, and deliver technical and content quality. Shure has made my job much easier. I'm always going to take that into consideration, because it took away a lot of headaches," he concluded.

teleticaProject data
Customer profile: Teletica, is the most important television channel in Costa Rica, with the largest audience in the country and a vast live programming. It is a 63-year-old company that remains at the forefront of technological innovation. It has recording studios, forums and spaces for live broadcasts that require impeccable and quality audio.

Problems: Increase the availability of channels to use the largest number of microphones and signal stability in your studies, as well as eliminate the levels of interference that can occur in these spaces.

Solution: Through Bansbach, Shure's distributor in Costa Rica, the Axient Digital wireless microphone system was installed, as well as other solutions of the brand to improve the audio of the television station's studios.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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